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2005-04-11 00:05:53


4月8日 我們一起高唱~ 小蜜蜂,噏噏噏~ 今天笑聲特別多~

2005-04-06 17:40:53


********************************************************************** 「一定要幸福喔!」 多麼真實又魔幻的一種信念啊! 真的真的想要幸福哪!幸福在哪裡呢? 什麼才是幸福的標準配備呢? 該從哪裡開...

2005-04-03 15:25:16


一位年老的印度大師身邊有一個總是抱怨的弟子。有一天,他派這個弟子去買鹽。 弟子回來後,大師吩咐這個不快活的年輕人抓一把鹽放在一杯水中,然後喝了它。 大師問:「味道如何?」 弟子呲牙咧嘴地吐了口吐...

2005-04-03 15:00:23


昨晚,我去了大會堂看7:30場的 ->變相怪B<- 我不太感到好笑~ 我發現近來自己好像笑少了,難笑了,為何呢? 但可是真的不好笑呵. 我突然覺得還是周星馳演的戲是最逗人發笑的,百看不厭,現在...

2005-04-01 21:17:21

你看了嗎 ?

************************************************************************ Howl's Moving Castle 18歲少女蘇菲被荒野女巫的魔咒變成了90歲老婆婆,為找尋解除咒語的方法,偶然闖入了四處遊走、充滿機關和魔...

2005-04-01 20:51:06

怕 就別進吧 

In fact, what I am going to tell is not sth haunting but ..... This is the starting page of our english presentation. During our preparations, we did come across obstacles. Yesterday after sch...

2005-03-23 01:00:01


Please let me give my great hankfulness to my dear friends who have ever showed their regards for me. Thanks very much~ After days of thought, I have already got back my fighting spirit. I tell mys...

2005-03-08 18:08:51

No Mood

Today after school, when I was about to leave the school with Conney, I met Cin,Pun,Lam and Debbie. I was asked to stay. At first, I was wondering why they called me to be with them. Later, I found th...

2005-03-07 00:52:07


I know that I have not posted new passges for many days. It's true. During these days, I am thinking deeply of my dream university - The Chinese University of Hong Kong. My fighting spirit seems to...

2005-02-22 21:03:06

DiSmAl NiGhT

*********************************************************************** Nights often give us a good time to ponder over the things surrounding us. The street is in deep silence. Even a single soun...

2005-02-14 17:20:11


你很可惡 ...... 很可惡 很可惡 很可惡 很可惡 很可惡 我不一定要等你

2005-02-09 16:26:50


這一篇是寫給我的朋友們,別猶豫,是你們. 你,你和你,雖然假期不久就回去你們的鄉村,但我仍耐心等着你們的回來. 你們(部分)或者不知道這幾天我做過了什麼? 5/2 早上9時正回校,補A-mat...

2005-02-09 14:45:30


呢十一首歌是我這陣子最常聽的,為什麼? 旋律好?歌詞貼切?聲線動聽?有意思?  林依辰 - 孤單北半球 光良-  童話 S.H.E. - 金鐘罩鐵布衫 S.H.E. - 愛我的資格 S.H.E. - 保持微笑 胡芳芳 不要墨爾本...

2005-01-29 13:43:37


愛是... 愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛 愛愛愛。。。。愛愛愛。。。。愛愛愛 愛愛。愛愛愛愛。愛。愛愛愛愛。愛愛 愛。愛愛愛愛愛愛。愛愛愛愛愛愛。愛 愛。愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛。愛 愛...

2005-01-28 22:27:43

~ 生日快樂 ->sAn~

生日快樂 生日快樂 生日快樂 很久沒看見你了,你總是很忙碌的,而事實上,你真是很忙碌.我找了你很多次,可是每次都是失望,正如,24/12-25/12,你說你要26之後才有空,26/12到了,我也沒收...

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