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2005-04-01 20:51:06| 人氣130| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

怕 就別進吧 

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In fact, what I am going to tell is not sth haunting but .....

This is the starting page of our english presentation. During our preparations, we did come across obstacles.

Yesterday after school, we planned to finish the powerpoint at Mingoi. Since my ppt software cannot put sound, we needed to set it there. However, we did not add in any more sound effect because........ Audrey needed to do her part of powerpoint for 3 times already... the computer auto off!! We forgot to be aware of the time limit.

After this awful experience, I really find that Mingoi is indeed not a good place to have our project done.

This morning, we came back to school at the early morning at 7:55. The main purpose was to download the ppt from Bami's email. However, when we wanted to get it, the computer could not enter her mailbox. The bell rang soon. Nothing we could do~

When it was our turn to start the presentation, we realized that yahoo really could not go to the mailbox. We already wasted 15-20 minutes told by con. We all felt a bit unpleasant. Luckily, the following group was willing to do it first. Thanks a lot~

In the afternoon, we still needed minssS to start our presentation. I admit that the process was not so smooth. Still, I am quite happy that the response was quite satisfactory. P.S. I find that Bami was very gd.

Finally, one thing is finished leaving the R.E. project. Work hard together. This is probably our last project in this scholastic year.

Give regards to all my dear friends ^0^

台長: *FancyLenG *
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