À tous les, peut être un succès?
Bien que des difficultés....
Enfin le réveil, en...
發表時間:2009-07-11 12:09:42 | 回應:0
漸行漸遠了.. 曾摯愛的暮色..
風景正飛逝著.. 模糊了.. 為什麼..?
夜色追來了.. 寂寞也搭上車..
發表時間:2008-09-18 21:32:50 | 回應:0
初秋的晨曦.. 淡淡地..
灑落窗畔.. 好似呼喚..
發表時間:2008-09-17 21:15:14 | 回應:1
We’ve made a vow to stay together, forever....
once seemed to be permanently glown, even in tempest ...
發表時間:2008-09-13 23:42:11 | 回應:2
Why poet prefer to meander?
Contemplating that as rambling around the city..
Calming myself down whi...
發表時間:2008-09-10 23:40:17 | 回應:0
托斯卡尼也沉默.. 泛黃的不只晚秋..
牽不住的手.. 畫面停格在最美那季..
涼風拂過.. 是否.. 該隨它飄泊..
發表時間:2008-09-08 00:00:37 | 回應:1
Landscape outside the window, gradually wore mist....
Recollection popped up, and blurred with tears before...
發表時間:2008-09-05 22:26:15 | 回應:0