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2014-02-28 23:17:16| 人氣700| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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我們也在尋找職業建築師/設計師/建商/鐵工來幫助我們設計,規劃,建造我們的新救援中心。我們也需要有創意有積極性的志工們來規劃進行其他募款方法!如果您願意協助我們,請寫信至lilian@animalstaiwan.org (中文) liza@animalstaiwan.org (英文)。


Animals Taiwan has found a new location!! This is fantasticnews as we were due to move out of our current location by the end of thisyear!

Our new rescue center will be located in Xindian, New TaipeiCity, but first we need to design, renovate and build!!

We want to make this the best facility we can for our furryfriends, volunteers and staff! We will be at this location for atleast 10 yearsand everything we build on this new location will be made in a way that we can takeaway and used again in the event that we may need to move after 10 years. Wewould like to move into our new location by this June or July.

To make this happen, our goal is to raise NT$ 3 million. Weknow this sounds like a tall ordeal, but if our 25,000 Facebook supporters caneach donate just NT$200, we will reach our goal! As we always say, a little cango a long way! For ways to donate, please go to http://www.animalstaiwan.org/support_en.html.After your donation, please email treasurer@animalstaiwan.orgto specify the purpose of your donation!

We will be updating our fundraising thermometer on ourwebsite and facebook so everyone can see our progress in our new rescue centerfundraising! We really hope everyone will get on board and help us to helpthose furry friends who can't help themselves. Let's make 2014 the best yearever for Animals Taiwan!

We are also looking for professionals/architects/builders whoare able to help in the designing, planning and building of the new rescuecenter. We also need innovated and self-motivated volunteers who would bewilling to plan, initiate and follow through with other fundraising ideas andevents! If you think you can do this please contact lilian@animalstaiwan.org for Chineseor liza@animalstaiwan.org forEnglish! 

Let's come together and make a real difference for our furryfriends! 




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