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2008-05-23 20:35:37

To Visit The Place Where I Will Test In 5/23

Today Rain, Sister, Soup and I went to visit the the place where we will test in. At first, we took on a bus and we met 蔡佳雯 女妖 粗皮 (玩)汝宜 After that, we also met 狗漾幫. Now, the bus w...

2008-05-18 16:49:29


他們降轉... 頭不暈嗎? http://ejokeimg.pchome.com.tw/see-post.html?cat=94&Flow_No=334555&rank=&Page=0

2008-05-18 16:40:15


XD’’’ 爆笑 一直{藍藍嚕} http://ejokeimg.pchome.com.tw/see-post.html?cat=94&Flow_No=334729&rank=&Page=0

2008-05-18 16:38:47


XD’’’’ 經典... http://ejokeimg.pchome.com.tw/see-post.html?cat=94&Flow_No=334580&rank=&Page=0

2008-05-18 16:36:21


XD’’’ 為什麼他們是我最愛的呢?? 點點看吧!! http://ejokeimg.pchome.com.tw/see-post.html?cat=94&Flow_No=334240&rank=&Page=0

2008-05-17 20:01:22

The truth that I can’t face to

You know, uh... i was an elementary school, You just sat by me..... At first, both of us didn’t know each other. Then the time made us become good friends. ha! I thought we were very g...

2008-05-08 01:08:40


基本上, 這句話(標題) 沒有任何修辭格(連譬喻都沒有) 因為真的很G8 明明有2節自習課的 我卻沒看到歷史(因為XXX要補課) 哀~ 明天的國文.....

2008-04-27 22:35:58

Sister?! What a strange word?

Hi! I’m Mark or you can call me handsome Mark! Tell you some of my secrets Ya. I have had a big sister named Fish since I was 7 years old. She is 18 years old older than me now. I was...

2008-04-25 21:26:13
2008-04-25 17:43:59


曾經...想了很久很久... 到底喜歡上妳的原因...想和妳在一起的理由...是什麼?? 一開始...模糊.不清.混亂...而變成了肯定...... 我想... 喜歡一個人...是不需要理由的.... 喜歡一個人...是一種緣分......

2008-04-14 23:48:03

For All My Friends In HESS!!

Ya..... hmmm.... Thank you guys! l was here since elematery school grate 5. And, l have been in the class of E15 since junior high grate 1. I remembered that I was in...

2008-04-04 22:30:59


或許吧 公民老師說的對 我是很焦慮 我焦慮的是課業 總覺得離夢想越來越遠 最近常魂不守舍 我好痛苦!! 課業越來越差 現在又掉到第3名 真的是不知所措 ...

2008-03-29 18:01:17

痛徹心扉 _ 擦身而過 #(┬_┬)泣!

為什麼? 為什麼我都已經快把你忘記的時候又突然出現? 你知道我有多痛苦嗎? 原本要去何嘉仁 我望著窗外 原本以為今天很美好 剎那間 看到你坐著跟我相反方向的公車 我們擦身而過.... ...

2008-03-13 23:01:02

情人節... =__=+

風風雨雨波浪,都無法阻止我,愛你付出的決心,你我情將永續綿綿~ 緣+情=無盡的我愛你 在這七夕情人節,送你一束玫瑰花,只想告訴你情人節快樂 如果天上的星星多的無法算,我會為你一顆又一顆的畫下來,來證...

2008-03-13 20:51:14


關於思念的顏色~ 不需要太多著墨~ 關於守候的姿勢~ 不需要太多描摹~ 關於愛情的距離~ 我們早已經懂得掌握~ 可是~~~ 我卻丈量不出思念究竟有多寬~~~ 守候究竟有多長~~~ 脫序的季節裡~ ...

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