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2008-05-23 20:35:37| 人氣99| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

To Visit The Place Where I Will Test In 5/23

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Today Rain, Sister, Soup and I went to visit the the place where
we will test in.

At first, we took on a bus and we met 蔡佳雯 女妖 粗皮 (玩)汝宜
After that, we also met 狗漾幫. Now, the bus was fill with us.

When all of us got off the bus, Soup stayed with 狗漾幫.
The rest of us were Rain, Sister and me. We took another bus to
基女with 小黑 and some of her friends.

When we got to 女中, I saw (people moutain people sae)
{人山人海) there! Wow! you know so cool!

We left there at 4:30 I think. Just then we took a taxi to
寶評bookstore to buy some 軟墊板s.

YEAH~ I should thank Rain a lot cuz she chose a SPECIL one
for me. (CHERRIES......)

When it’s almost 4:00, I took them to a place to have something
to eat. All of Rain , Sister and I have chosen 鬆餅. XD’’

The clerk there thought that i was an adult! (OMG! I even wore an uniform then~~...)

And, Rain said that I was like an adult!!!!(so hurt...)
Common!! I just look old!! But, I am just a teenager!!

Finally, the worst thing happened. We met the teacher of 310
there!!!! We were worried about that she will tell our teacher!

XD’’ This was my Day!!! SO COOL!!

BY THE WAY, TOMRROW, will be a hard war.....

I am looking forword to getting good grades..... XD’’

台長: ~>思<~
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