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2008-10-05 03:28:29| 人氣166| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wanting to move out!

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Like I said. I want to move out.

Move out of this god damn mutherfucking
I want to move to a place where
I have my freedom, my right, my respect.

I'm sick of not being able to talk on the
phone at night just because the old people
can't sleep because they have such time
to listen to me talking than sleeping.

Fuck them, go back to sleep, why you
fucking getting into my privacy?

Especially my uncle, wtf, bitching at me
for just talking to a guy friend on webcam and
mic. And he even tried to talk to him through the microphone.
Thank god he's smart enough to turn off the webcam
and microphone. I was so sick of it, your not my
dad, whats makes you think you can just
bitch at me like that.

 Fuck you. Seriously,
fuck you, one day i'll say that to you .
one day when I have the power to live on my own,
and able to live my own life. I'll say that to you
fuck you! 

台長: t3ph4n3y﹍珩 ◎”


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