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2008-04-15 13:00:40| 人氣164| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I sent him a message on Facebook.

Hey Justin,

You probably don’t know how much you
matter in my life.

lmao. After that week that we met,
I couldn’t stop thinking about you,
and wondering what are you thinking?

A lot of my friends thinks that you used me,
but I choose not to believe that. Because
we still talk.

Even if you did, I still want to be friends with you.

Aren’t I pathetic or what?

I always would want to talk to you on the phone,
but I’ll hate myself more if you get annoyed and
hate me because I called you too much.
Thats why I don’t call you that much.

It bugs the hell out of me.

A few times , my tears dropped because of you,
but I didn’t cry, I don’t cry.
A lot of times I felt depressed, and sad because
of you,

but that was l before.

Right now, I’m just living my life, and people around
me are suffering the same problem I have before.
haah, especailly my bestfriend. She never had
boys problem, now she do, she’ll always be
asking me what should she reply.

My other friend, her baby havn’t call her for 6 days,
and she can’t stand it. She’s pissed. haah.

I was stupid, I should never gave you those,
I didn’t respect myself. But I never regrett
those mistakes I made. Cuz I learned my lessons.

You think of me as a whore, slut, hoe, bitch now huh?
Or as a stupid underage girl ?

A lot of times, I doubted that you never have bj or
hj. But is w/e.

Is the past now, hopefully we’re still cool after this message.
lol. I just really need to spit out my feelings.

And I always wonder, have you ever think of me?

Probably not. ha.

Don’t worry, I don’t think about you as much
as before anymore =].

I read his aim after shower.

Justin0o: hey tiff
Justin0o: that was a pretty I don’t know how to say it
Justin0o: like
Justin0o: a mature messege
Justin0o: and i respect you for that
Justin0o: i didint use you
Justin0o: but life around me got hectic
Justin0o: and i sitll wanna be friends fosho
Justin0o: i just dont have time for even little tihngs that i used ot have time for
Justin0o: i mean nothing can happen now but maybe later on
Justin0o: if god wants us to be together
Justin0o: then we will be
Justin0o: good things arent rushed
Justin0o: rather take take time to develop
Justin0o: and when they do blossom it will be something beautiful

台長: t3ph4n3y﹍珩 ◎”
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