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2008-01-06 01:00:22| 人氣143| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

*One of us ( 黃美珍 讚!

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       if God had a face , what would it look like
            and would you want to see
       if seeing meant that you have to believe
      in things like heaven and in jesus and the saints
            and all the prophets

          And yeah yeah , God is great
           yeah yeah , God is good
           yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
           what if god was one of us
           jast a slob like one of us
     jast a stranger on the bus trying to make his way home

          And yeah yeah , God is great
           yeah yeah , God is good
           yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
           what if god was one of us
           jast a slob like one of us
     jast a stranger on the bus trying to make his way home
          jast trying to make his way home
           Back up to heaven all alone
           Nobody calling on the phone
          jast trying to make his way home

台長: 視心情而定


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