「美麗之島 創業天堂」
擔心長輩在家無人陪伴嗎?有了OhmniLabs的平價機器人,除了陪伴還可兼具健康看護雙重功能;想擁有更舒適、更健康的懷孕經驗嗎?Dovetail的小型可攜帶式裝置讓您精準聆聽胎兒的心跳聲,記錄數據,隨時可從手機APP了解自身與胎兒的身體變化。享用簡單裝置就升級智慧居家嗎?來自新加坡的Intraix Pte Ltd. 讓你用一個小型裝置就可達到聲控全面化。還有ImmerVision的全新360度全景攝影技術,讓你隨時不疏漏任一個畫面。
這些都是來自全球各地15組新創團隊的好點子,並即將在將在今年的台北國際電腦展InnoVEX新創展區登場呈現!為推廣台灣創新創業的國際能見度,國家發展委員會與時代基金會Garage+,共同籌辦「Startup Global Program, SGP」,廣邀國際創業團隊來台,真實體驗台灣這個創業天堂的美麗之島,接軌台灣資源及尋找未來發展合作夥伴,以台灣為基地,作為進軍亞洲市場的重要跳板,為台灣新創產業注入更多能量。
2016年「Startup Global Program, SGP」計畫收到來自19國、共58個優質國際新創團隊申請;其中來自美國、荷蘭、義大利等全球各地的15組新創團隊 (詳附表)脫穎而出,從健康醫療、綠能科技、物聯網到最熱門的擴增實境全部網羅,首度登台於5/31-6/2在COMPUTEX世貿三館G0232「美麗之島 創業天堂」展示最新成果。
時代基金會於一九九O年由二十家台灣重要企業共同成立,與國際一流學府如MIT、UC-Berkeley等進行產業聯絡計劃;二十五年來,時代基金會以「推動知識經濟的橋樑」自期,目標為台灣經濟發展找尋利基。在全球最具創業精神的台灣,時代基金會自2003年起以培育創新創業精神人才(Young Entrepreneurs of the Future, YEF;www.entrepreneurship.net.tw) 出發,經營了紮實的社群;並獲得國內企業如嘉新兆福文化基金會與台積電、台達電等30家企業支持,於2012年成立Garage+ 育成中心(www.grargeplus.asia) ,讓標竿創業家、知名投資人及新一代創業人活躍其中,以「透過創新為社會創造美好生活」的願景,共同經營一個能接軌國際的創業社群。2015年,Garage+超過75%有資金需求的團隊成功募得資金,13個團隊成功募集來自國內外A輪投資超過6億資金,於群眾募資平台募集超過1.9億資金。
官方網站:http://www.epoch.org.tw ; http://www.garageplus.asia/
Startup in Formosa to Make aDifference
Welcome 15 international startups to Taiwan
Affordable OhmniLabs home robots could help families
virtually accompany and care for their lone elders. A small wearable device come together with a mobile
app is a product by Dovetail, to hear the baby’s heartbeat and record movements
during pregnancy. High household energy bills could be avertable. Hyko is smart
lighting technology with gamification to detect unused electrical appliances
and also remind users to turn them off. Hyko also educates children to save
energy to protect earth and furthermore alleviate the impact of global warming while
saving energy during hot summer time
These good ideas are from 15 startups all over the world,
and they will exhibit at InnoVex this year in Taiwan. To enhance the international reputation of
Taiwan’s entrepreneurship and innovation, the National Development Council and
Epoch Foundation together launched the Startup Global Program and invited
startups worldwide to Taiwan. The international startups will be able to
connect with Taiwan’s solid industrial resources. They will also be exposed to
other Asian markets in hope of bringing more vitality to Taiwan’s industry.
In 2016, Startup Global Program has received
applications from 58 teams from 19 countries. 15 finalists from USA, the
Netherlands, Italy and so forth were selected. Variety of fields from Medical
device, green technology, to IoT and VR are included. They will be exhibiting
in the booth of “Startup in Taiwan to Make a Difference” at COMPUTEX during May
31st to June 2nd to show their achievements.
【About Epoch Foundation】
With the mission of facilitating
industrial development and economic prosperity of Taiwan, Epoch Foundation has
been representing 20 Taiwan-based blue-chip companies, closely allying with the
world’s renowned academic institutions such as MIT and UC Berkeley over the
past 25 years. Epoch has been establishing strong international connections. It
also serves as the liaison office to bridge and consolidate industrial
resources. In 2003, Epoch initiated the “Young Entrepreneurs of the Future”
program to incubate entrepreneurship and innovative spirits among young
talents. In 2012, Epoch founded Garage+, an incubator which believes that
entrepreneurs are mission-driven individuals who take actions to realize their
dreams and bring a better life to the society through innovation. In 2015, more
than 70 startups (including 14 international teams) have engaged with and
worked at Garage+. The successful fund-raising rate is over 75%. The total
amount of Series A funding is more than USD20 million, and crowd-funding is
beyond USD6 million.
Exhibition Film: https://youtu.be/eYCOdtyGYrg
Photos and Films of the
Startups: https://goo.gl/LpPwym
Garage+ Campus Film : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pecZr7u50fk
Foundation : http://www.epoch.org.tw
Garage+ : http://www.garageplus.asia