Turning on TV and air conditioner, Lisa sits in the office as usual. As usual, she keeps the television open hearing news and doing other things. “The police cannot find the body. No testament or any evidence to prove suicide…” It’s noon. Everything is as usual; she thinks and glances at the lunchbox smiling sweetly. There are some mushrooms in lunchbox for him; that’s his favorite. Lisa knows exactly what he likes and dislikes to eat. She believes what her mother told her: catch men’s appetite before catching their heart. “The deceased studied in Medical Experimental Universality…has no connection with her family for more than one year…”
Oh, Professor Harbor…Lisa whispers to herself in heart. Every time Lisa thinks about Prof. Harbor, she feels grateful that God assigned her to be Prof. Harbor’s assistant. “The family is furious and not exclusively sues the school for dereliction…” Prof. Harbor is such a charming man; elegant, considerate, and vigorous, and doesn’t look like his age. Lisa always thinks about dating with Prof. Harbor, especially after she overheard Prof. Harbor is single. But somehow, Prof. Harbor doesn’t invite her seeing a movie or something else. He just keeps the promise: every lunch time he will come to the office and eat lunch with her, but no more advances. Lisa thinks that must because she is not aggressive enough. “This time…yeah…this time I must invite him to date with me.” Lisa told herself.
“The police temporarily view this case as missing; meanwhile the police conceive the criminal is deliberate.” If she succeeds, she could postpone their time late so that she can ask Prof. Harbor stay in her home. Of course they will sleep together. She imagines the compact figure when Prof. Harbor takes off his suit, and how she heats under his caresses… She blushes at her imaginative scene. Looking at her red lips in mirror, she titters and then combs her hair straight.
Everything is as usual. The air conditioner is noisy; students talk loudly passing by the office; TV news continuingly reports those things which never happen among us. But, something is unusual. Prof. Harbor is late. Why? Lisa cannot think any reason to explain a mistake on such a perfect man. “The police proclaim that they will investigate any suspicious and related people, and track down the criminals.”
Suddenly, Lisa hears a series of footsteps at the passageway. Few seconds later then, there comes in a sportsmanlike and mid-aged man. “Sorry, today is such a busy day.” He scratches his cottony hair and says, “Lisa, sorry for keeping you waiting. If you feel inconvenient…” Lisa immediately replies, “No, no, no. It’s no trouble at all…”She lies. Actually, she hates to stay in department office because people always rushing in and out. But it’s worth to stay, for her dating plan.
“Err…have you eaten lunch?” Lisa said and took a glance at the lunchbox. “Oh…not yet. But I can’t eat here today.” He says with an embarrassed smile, “Sorry.”
Lisa shakes her head and says, “That’s no big deal, Professor Harbor.” ‘It’s really no BIG DEAL, because I will see you everyday and every lunch break. Chances are a lot.’ Lisa told herself that way.
Harbor smiles, and turns to leave. “Professor Harbor! Wait! I forget something.” Lisa’s voice sounds from his back. “What’s wrong?” He thought Lisa wants to complain about his inconsideration, but a piece of paper is handed to him. “That’s a message from a Mr. Ocean. He asked you to call him later.”
For a moment, Lisa seems to see a twitch between Prof. Harbor’s eyebrows. But she immediately hears Prof. Harbor says: “Thank you, Lisa. We will eat lunch together some other day. Next time my treat.” She thinks it is an illusion. Before she has time to think twice, she has said goodbye to Prof. Harbor when she heard the ‘Goodbye.’