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2008-11-19 16:46:19| 人氣183| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

歌的哲思--Take a message to Mary

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Take a message to Mary

這首歌的原唱者我還不太確定,一首好聽的歌當然有許多人翻唱,在余光的音樂介紹中,他是引 Bob Dylan的唱片,而Bob Dylan.唱的這首歌是在1970年,但是在1956年Everly Brothers的專輯裡便出現這一首歌,或者有更早的原創者,我一時還沒找到。EB唱紅了許多歌,他們的第一首冠君榜歌曲相信喜歡西洋老歌的人一定不陌生,就是「Bye Bye Love」。這一首「Bye Bye Love」當初要給幾位大歌星唱,例如貓王,但是被拒絕九次,才輪到當時窮到連鬼都害怕的EB 兄弟。他們一知道有歌可以唱,立即飛奔錄音間,沒想到這一首被踢來踢去的「歌球」,讓EB兄弟名利雙收。他們還有「All I Have To Do Is Dream 」,這一首只要是吉他初學者一定會遇到,我初學吉他的時後也是一天到晚夢呀夢的。

EB兄弟還有一首與當時禮法不容的歌「Walk Up,Little Susie」,他們二人本不想唱這一首歌,因為這首歌有野合的內容,但是二人還是硬著頭皮唱它。果真,此歌一出,誰與爭鋒,所有的廣播封鎖這首歌,但在私下,這首歌大受年輕人喜愛,EB的歌唱事業又達高鋒。


「Take a message to Mary」是一首敘事歌曲,一個死刑囚的遺書。他請人帶信息給愛人Mary,告訴Mary婚約取消了,原因是他還有許多遠大抱負與理想,此人說了許多空話,這種話說穿了就是婚姻會阻礙前途,沒有比這個更好的理由了。總之,如果Mary是個沒有大腦的女孩,一定憤而他嫁,不會深思其中許多不合情理的話。真正的原因是此人就要被槍決了,在冷淒的小牢房裡為愛人編一個富麗堂皇的理由。如果此人加幾句Mary是個醜八怪、沒腦袋、愛上她真是瞎了狗眼,如此更能讓Mary死心。


Take a message to Mary/EB(Everly Brothers)

These are the words of a frontier man
Who lost his love when he turned bad.
Take a message to Mary
But don’t tell here where I am
Take a message to Mary
But don’t say I’m in a jam
You can tell her that I had to see the world
Tell her that my ship set sail
You can say she’d better not wait for me
But don’t tell her I’m in jail, oh don’t tell her I’m in jail.
Take a message to Mary
But don’t tell her what I’ve done
Please, don’t mention the stage coach
And the shot from a carried gun
You better tell her that I had to change my plans
And cancel out the wedding-day
But please, don’t mention the lonely cell
Where I’m gonna pine away, until my dying-day.
Take a message to Mary
But don’t tell her all you know
My heart is aching for Mary
Lord know I miss her so
Just tell her that I went to Timbukto
Tell her I’m searching for gold
You can say she better find someone new
To cherish and to hold, oh Lord, this cell is so cold.

台長: Joe
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