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2008-03-09 00:26:14| 人氣54| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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the last chance malk..........give up me.....l should try to forget malk.......l don’t want to said goodbye to you......l want forget the way your kissing ....feeling so strong.but there sth lefting my head..this you malk..l know you can see it....l know l am not the man your heart is missing.thhis the why........you will choose...nivlek......

台長: kane ☆
人氣(54) | 回應(2)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 工作甘苦(工作心得、創業、求職)

now is 2:44
i muzt go out now
too tied becoz i receive ur msg
sor let me choose
dut give me the chance
dut wanna broken up ur heart
i am waiting the time
i think i luv u,lank
want to c u smile
maybe i will luv u more^^
u fall asleep now?
hope u have a nice dream
bye babe=]
2008-03-09 02:48:59
l can`t sleep....l can`t smile....all beacouse of you
2008-03-09 09:33:22
i feel so bad
too sad .i dut want to trust everyone
wat can i do
i cant do anything
let it flow
let me die
i dut care everythingT T
2008-03-09 09:38:56
don`t worry you get a &quotgood man&quot....so you don`t need to die
2008-03-09 10:13:42
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