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2010-08-18 13:58:50

US Kids Golf World Championship

Back in May, Brian played in US Kids World Championship qualifier and shut one under par. This low score got him invited to the annual World Championship held in Pinehurst, North Carolina. The golf co...

2010-08-18 12:28:20

Vdara Las Vegas

We had a vacation in early July but I didn't have a chance to upload photos until now.We stayed in the newest Hotel "Vdara" in the strip.Joline's parents were with us so I booked a two-bedroom penthou...

2010-05-17 08:57:48

Brian's 1st Golf Medal

Finally, after three medal-less tournaments, Brian got his first one today at Las Positas Golf Course. This is the qualifier for US Kids World Championship held this Summer in North Carolina. Brian sh...

2010-05-12 14:54:55

Golf Swing by Casio EX-FH100

I bought a new compact size camera, Casio EX-FH100. It has excellent high speed mode. I use it to check my son's golf swing.

2010-04-13 15:37:59

Rawitser Cup

Brian played the Rawitser Cup today (4/12/2010). Rawitser Cup is a four ball match between San Jose MUNI Junior Golf Club and Santa Teresa Junior Golf Club. Brian was in thetoughest group in my opinio...

2010-03-08 06:38:30

Eagle Ridge Golf Club

三月六日是永永參加的高爾夫球賽最後一站可能由於是最後一站 主辦單位找了一個很好的場地下圖示這個球場的第一洞比賽的小朋友從六歲到十四歲都有永永是在九歲男孩組工作人員正在把登記最新的比賽成績背對鏡頭穿藍色上...

2010-03-08 06:33:16

Science Fair at Brian's School

這學期剛開始老師就發了一張通知每個小朋友要完成一個科學展覽家長要幫小孩從訂題目, 大綱, 報告, 一直到完成海報原本覺得一個頭兩個大做到來覺得越來越好玩下圖就是我們父子合力完成的科展海報永永研究的題目是哪一...

2010-01-11 23:11:11


這次回台灣與邱宏華一家人在囍院懷舊餐廳聚餐一走進餐廳大門就是一個四合院感覺有點類似墾丁青年活動中心的感覺四合院的佈置相單雅致有魚池 植栽 步道 對於在美國長大的永永是一個很新鮮的體驗在此感謝邱宏華一家的招...

2009-11-16 15:29:34

Brian's 1st Golf Tournament

Finally, I decided to sign up Brian for his 1st Golf tournament. As a matter of fact, I didn't think he was ready for tournaments. However, his coach, Greg, told me everyone has to start at some place...

2009-11-16 14:56:07

Honda Odyssay Crashed

My HondaOdysseyhad been running without any accident for 4+ years until last month. In a stop and go traffic, someone made a sudden stop that caused everyone to break hard. Unfortunately, the guybehin...

2009-10-13 12:59:09

Stanford Women's Volleyball

Joline's Japanese tutor said herhusbandEitan works at Stanford University. He is the the athletic trainer of Stanford Women's Volleyball team. When I heard about this, I was so excited becauseVolleyba...

2009-09-28 10:40:37

去LPGA 看曾雅妮比賽

上禮拜看報紙發現 LPGA 的比賽會在舊金山灣區舉行趕緊上網查了一下 www.cvslpga.com哇賽 世界排名前九的幾乎都到齊了想說永永已經學了好一陣子自己也從來沒現場看過思考了一下決定帶永永去見見世面把決定告訴老婆想不...

2009-09-21 14:32:36

Las Vegas

七月初的時候 老婆看到一個促銷旅遊價格非常合理 而且是拉斯維加斯最好的飯店 Wynn Hotel考慮了幾天 終於狠下心 把他給定下去下圖是從房間的落地窗照出去的夜景真是太漂亮了Wynn Hotel 還附帶一個十八洞的球場景色非...

2009-08-12 23:13:25


在美國蒙特利進行的「小馬聯盟世界少棒錦標賽」,中華隊由台東泰源國小組成.The baseball park is about 100 miles away from our house. We carpooled with our neighbor who also came from Taiwan. After 1.5 hou...

2009-07-19 08:37:16


We visited Disneyland during the week of 7/4/2009, when Joline's office had a shut down. We spent two days in the park and one day in Hotel. Ate many Taiwanese food in chinese plaza on Colima road.部落...

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