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2006-03-18 22:40:43| 人氣119| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

HapPy BirThdAy! 06’

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hey my beautiful birthday girl
it was fun for hangin out yesterday!!
but next time you guys better tell me the right place before i go!!! k??
man, c how nice im??!
i drove back n forth in the rainin day just for you guys...
n i thought it would be closer if i just go straight to there
so i didnt go home n change,,... u kno, it was coooolllddd...
aiya, how can i be a such as nice n kind young lady.. i dont even kno..
hahahaha,, im kidding la!! its gettin stupid now..

well, i just think that it was so good to get sumthin to eat w/ sisters
and i cant even remember when was the last time that we all get together
it must be a long time ago, cuz i didnt go to movie w/ u guys last time
ummm,, well, it is so nice to have you here with mee,,
of course an other sis. too!
btw, did you make any wishes on ur birthday? bet u did, didnt ya?
i mean, no matter wat kind of wishes u made, hope it would be come true!
love always!

台長: 姓豬的女人【井】
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