我並不是大嘴巴 mick jagger 的粉絲
但是由mick jagger and dave stewart 合作的專輯的確不錯
雖然主題曲旋律重複太多及Joss Stone 稍嫌弱
不過其他如 blind leading the blind 或是
mud bone 的darkness of your love 好聽
電影”新娘的父親”作家導演charles shyer
本片推手製片並與導演合寫此片劇本的elaine pope
型男jude law
重拍1966 由 michael caine 主演
bill naughton 劇本 lewis gilbert 導演的阿飛正傳
雖然導演很喜歡由場景設計sophie becher 提出的標題看板
what’s it all about? 生命到底是怎麼一回事?
earth’s biggest movie database 世界最大影片資料庫
英文複習, 查閱自顏氏美語網路辭典或是金山辭霸
dishy (可不是盤子亮晶晶歐) (比較級: dishier; 最高級: dishiest)
adj. Being good-looking; attractive. 【俚】漂亮的;有吸引力的
問了美國友人回覆這有點是 old English 果然是向60年代致敬
cheeky (比較級: cheekier; 最高級: cheekiest)
adj. Impertinent; impudent. 【口】鹵莽的;厚臉皮的
have plenty of cheek 老臉皮厚
glib: Voluble; flippant; fluent. 口齒伶俐的;能言善辯的;口若懸河的
例句: a glib talker 健談者。 a glib tongue 利口
frivolous: Trifling; trivial; petty; of little importance.
Lacking in seriousness. 輕浮的
erratic: Having no fixed course; wandering. 無一定途徑的;漂泊的
Irregular; eccentric; queer. 不規則的;奇怪的;乖僻的
scrawny: Gaunt and bony. 瘦骨如柴的;嬴瘦的。
obilivous: Lacking active conscious knowledge or awareness. 不注意的((of; to)) Forgetful. 健忘的((of))
blatently: Bawling; noisy. 吵鬧的;喧嘩的; Conspicuous; coarse. 顯眼的;粗魯的
mindful: Keeping in one’s thought; regardful.留意的;顧念的((of))
brunt: The principal force, shock, or stress (as of an attack). 主力;主要的衝擊或壓力
例句: to bear the brunt of an attack 首當其衝
belligerent: Waging war. 交戰中的。
adj. Relating to war; quarrelsome. 與戰爭有關的;好戰爭的
n. A power or person carrying on war. 交戰國;交戰者
extraneous: External; not essential.
Being a number obtained in solving an equation that is not a solution of the equation. 【數】額外的;增的
gratuitous: Freely bestowed; voluntary. 免費的;贈與的;自願的。 Without provocation. 沒理由的;無端的;無故的。
Granted without merit or claim. 無功而受賜的;未經要求即贈與的
舉例 gratuitous nudity: 影片中如果出現不必要的裸露鏡頭
utilitarian: Pertaining to utility or usefulness. 實用的;有用的
Valuing things by their practical, rather than spiritual, usefulness. 實利的;以實利為目的
Of, or relating to or advocating utilitarianism. 功利主義的
n. One who believes that the greatest good of the greatest number should be the goal of all human effort. 功利主義者
androgynous: Having characteristics of both male and female; hermaphroditic. 兼兩性的;雌雄同體的
Bearing at the same time both anthers and ovaries. 【植】一花序上有雌雄兩花的
ostentatious: Fond of show; intended for vain display; showy; gaudy. 炫耀的;誇飾的;華麗的
audacious: Bold; daring; spirited.勇敢的;大膽的;有精神的。
Insolent; impudent. 無禮的;厚顏的。
Foolhardy. 愚勇的;有勇無謀的
tacky: Sticky; adhesive. 黏的。 Shabby. 【口】襤褸的。 Dowdy. 鄙俗的
dish: n. 碟;盤;皿。Something one has a liking for or excels in. 【口】喜歡或擅長之事。Attractive female. 【俚】美女
v.t. To put into a dish for serving at table. 盛於碟中(備上餐桌)
To make concave, as a sheet of metal. 使成凹形(如使金屬板凹下)。
Upset; thwart. 使沮喪;挫敗。
片語: dish it out 【口】大聲斥責;體罰
dish out (a)【口】分配;分發;上菜。(b)【俚】說得極為動聽
dish the dirt 【俚】搬弄是非;散佈謠言
dish up (a)上菜。(b)提出(事實或論據)
dish of tea 癖好
lair: (不是騙子liar, my lair, my den, my hideout 都可譯作我的窩)
The den or resting place of a landed a wild beast. 獸穴
Hideout, as of criminals. (犯人等的)藏匿處
matador: The man chosen to kill the bull in a bullfight. (鬥牛戲中之)殺牛者;鬥牛士
homage: a 發 /I/ Respect paid by external action; deference; reverence; honor. 敬拜;敬意;虔敬;尊敬
In feudal times; the ceremony by which a tenant or vassal promised fealty and service to his overlord.
片語: pay homage 致敬
repent: Feeling or showing sorrow because of wrongdoing; penitent. 悔恨的;懊悔的
exasperation: Extreme irritation. 憤怒;激怒
repercussion: The act of driving or throwing back. 逐回;擊回
The state of being forced or thrown back. 被驅回
Reflection; rebound; reverberation, as of sound. 反射;彈回;回響;回聲
Widespread effect of an event or action, often unforeseen and indirect. (事情或行為)反響;影響
repertoire: (法文oi發/w/音) All the plays, operas, etc., that a performer or a company has been ready to render; a repertory.
A list of supply of capabilities. 【電腦】指令表
chaise lounge: ch發sh音, ai發/e/.Couch with a long seat for the legs. 長椅;躺椅
resonance: The quality of being resonant. 共鳴
The prolongation of sound by reflection; reverberation. 回響;反響
The sound produced in the percussion of some part of the body, esp. the chest. 【醫】(聽診時的)叩響
An unstable elementary particle or group of particles of extremely short life. 共振子(一個或一組不穩定而壽命極短的基本粒子)
ramification: A division or separation into branches. 分枝
A division of anything complex. 分門別類
The act or manner of producing branches; also, the arrangement of branches. 分枝法
A small branch or offshoot. 小枝;枝條
A ramification of a tree, nerve, etc. 樹、神經等之分枝
staccota:(重音在c) Played in an abrupt, disconnected way.【樂】斷音的;斷奏的
Marked by abrupt, sharp emphasis. 突然中斷的;不連接的
serendipity:(重音在d)Gift of finding without seeking. 毫不費力即發現珍寶的運氣
infatuate: (重音在f) To affect with folly. 使糊塗;使迷糊
To inspire with an extravagant admiration or passion. 使瘋狂迷戀
片語: (be) infatuated with 沉溺於;迷戀於
dissipate:v.t. To scatter completely; drive in different directions.
使消散;驅散。 例句: Mirth dissipates worry.快樂消除了憂慮
To squander. 浪費。(揮霍)
v.i. To be scattered; vanish. 分散;消失
To spend one’s energies intemperately. 放蕩。 (縱樂)
exude: v.t. To discharge gradually, as through pores. 滲出(如自毛孔中滲出)
例句: She’s always friendly; she simply exudes good nature. 她經常保持友好的態度;流露出善良的本性
v.i. To flow out slowly. 緩緩流出
croak: v.i. To make a sound like that of a raven. 作鴉叫聲。 To grumble. 發怨言。 To die.【俚】死亡。
v.t. The low, hoarse sound of the raven or frog. (低沈粗啞的)鴉叫、蛙鳴。
flog: To whip; punish. 鞭打;笞責。 To criticize harshly. 苛評
To sell or exchange stolen goods. 英】【俚】銷售或交換贓物
片語:flog a dead horse 徒勞。 flog to death 【口】令人厭煩地糾纏勸說(某事)。
tall order: 【口】苛刻的[無理的]要求
pay the piper: 負擔費用;承擔後果或責任
reprise n. 年金 / vt. 重奏
tag team:职业性摔角(两人一组)
old habits die hard- from artists mick jagger and dave steward
I thought I shook myself free
You see I bounce back quicker than most
But i’m half delirious, Is too mysterious
You walk through my walls like a ghost
And I take everyday at a time
I’m as proud as a Lion in his Lair
Now there’s no denying it, a note to crying it
Your all tangled up in my head
Old habits die hard
Old soldiers just fade away
Old habits die hard
Harder than November rain
Old habits die hard
Old soldiers just fade away
Old habits die hard
Hard enough to feel the pain
We haven’t spoken in months
You see i’ve been counting the days
I dream of such humanities, such insanities
I’m lost like a kid and i’m late
But i’ve never taken your coats
Haven’t no block on my phone
I act like an addict, i just got to have it
I can never just leave it alone
Old habits die hard
Old soldiers just fade away
Old habits die hard
Harder than November rain
Old habits die hard
Old soldiers just fade away
Old habits die hard
Hard enough to feel the pain
And I can’t give you up
Can’t leave you alone
And its so hard, so hard
And hard enough to feel the pain
Old habits die hard
Old soldiers just fade away
Old habits die hard
Harder than November rain
Old habits die hard
Old soldiers just fade away
Old habits die hard
Hard enough to feel the pain