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2009-06-16 18:24:28

The seventeenth postcard

This postcard from Finland. Traveled 8 days.

2009-06-15 19:50:21

The sixteenth postcard

This postcard from U.S.A.  Travel 18 days. The State of Kansas Midwestern state in the central region of the United States of America. A sunflower is beautiful.

2009-06-15 18:56:26

The fifteenth postcard

This postcard is from Czech Republic.  Traveled 7 days. It's a special country.  

2009-06-13 18:03:45


首先先祝福這一屆的畢業生:理政、世鈺、歐陽、品嫻、佩瑜、冠榮、俊凱 恭喜畢業!   時間過的好快,轉眼間兩年已經過了~ 還記得兩年前你們幫學長姐送舊,兩年後的今天,換學弟妹幫你們送舊 雖然今天沒有辦法到...

2009-06-12 22:28:35


6月12日  星期五  天氣:下雨又晴天   歌曲:愛情是圓的   六月畢業季,好像每次到了這個時候,總會下幾場大雨 是悲傷離別的到來嗎?還是不捨小情侶們的愛戀?   兩年前的大學畢業,也是像這樣,雨下不停...

2009-06-08 18:33:41

The fourteenth postcard

This postcard from Germany.  Traveled 20 days. It's a famous walking man in Munich.

2009-06-05 22:03:49


6月5日  星期五  天氣:28度  心情:好無力。什麼時候開竅   三分鐘熱度 學東西永遠只學一半 從小就是半調子,但我不笨,可能是不夠聰明,就是笨。   記得剛上小學一年級時,學校剛教算盤 因為我不會,媽...

2009-06-02 18:06:39

The thirteenth postcard

This postcard from Netherlands . Traveled 12 days.

2009-06-01 19:54:10


這張明信片來自我們的好朋友-中國大陸 旅行第十天 雷諾瓦【坐在海邊的少女】的一幅油畫 PS.終於可以用中文為各位介紹了 心動不如心動,快加入明信片聯合國吧:http://www.postcrossing.com 快和我一起收集各國的...

2009-05-29 09:34:39

The eleventh postcard

This postcard from Portugal . Traveled 14 days. Lisboa is Portugal capital.

2009-05-29 09:19:05

The tenth postcard

This postcard from Lithuania (立陶宛). Traveled 20 days. Kaunas is a country city in Lithuania .

2009-05-29 09:09:16

The ninth postcard

Surprise! Today when I was taking the garbage out, I found three postcards in my postbox. This postcard from  Spain . Traveled 14 days.It's cute.

2009-05-28 20:20:12


5月23日  星期六  天氣:晴天  心情:心跳碰碰跳   在寫這篇的前提,一定要先感謝主辦人-莉敏學姊【用心+細心=專業】 包辦【領隊、執密、生活長、機動長、總務長、文書長還兼人文真善美】 召集全台灣大葉...

2009-05-26 18:16:09

The eighth postcard

This postcard from Belgium. Her name is Krizia . She is beautiful girl. Traveled 8 days.

2009-05-25 18:17:44

The seventh postcard

This postcard from U.S.A. Traveled 10 days.

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