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2009-07-21 19:43:08

The thirtieth postcard

This postcard from Finland. Traveled 15 days.Summer is coming,but I miss winter

2009-07-21 19:28:07

The twenty-ninth postcard

This postcard from China. Traveled 8 days. 山西省的喬家大院電影:『大紅燈籠高高掛』在此拍照

2009-07-15 18:10:09

The twenty-eighth postcard

This postcard from Holland. Traveled 9 days.There are many flowers and windmills.首都:阿姆斯特丹 

2009-07-13 18:11:04

The twenty-seventh postcard

This postcard from Finland. Traveled 7 days.Helsinki is a capital.

2009-07-09 22:08:38


時間不詳。對不起,我騙你。 心情:嗚~我不想變吹牛大王一開始小力通知我時,雖然心癢癢,但還是以一擋百的拒絕直到未接到大燕麥的電話後,無力也覺得應該變有力才對就這樣,當你說了一個謊時,就必須圓下一個謊,久...

2009-07-08 20:04:58

The twenty-sixth postcard

This postcard from Germany. Traveled 9 days. Munich is the capital city of Bavaria, Germany. Munich is located on the River Isar north of the Bavarian Alps. Munich is the third largest city in Germa...

2009-07-08 18:25:12

The twenty-fifth postcard

This postcard from Hong Kong. Traveled 16 days. 圖中為香港島、維多利亞港及太平山。

2009-07-06 19:59:51


7月6日  星期一  天氣:艷陽高照  心情:祝二姐生日快樂   尋找Mr.Smile~   沒事多喝水,多做好事,拯救世界。  每天多忍耐,少吹冷氣,拯救世界。  每天多包容,神愛世人,拯救世界。  每天多微笑,...

2009-07-02 18:14:15

The twenty-fourth postcard

This postcard from Romania. Traveled 24 days. It's the view of  danube delta in the in the morning.(多瑙河三角洲) 羅馬尼亞首都:布加勒斯特

2009-07-01 20:20:05

The twenty-third postcard

This postcaed from Denmark. Traveled 6 days.美人魚雕像位於丹麥哥本哈根邱吉爾公園的港口岩石上,是哥本哈根著名的觀光景點。美人魚雕像在1909年時受到嘉士伯創辦人的兒子卡爾·雅布克森的委託,因為他以童話故事...

2009-07-01 20:03:20

The twenty-second postcard

This postcard from U.S.A. Trevaled 6 days. Wow~ Ocean city is a scenic spots. Ocean City Maryland vaction-it's beautiful and charming. http://ococean.com/美國首都:華盛頓

2009-06-29 20:24:34

The twenty-first postcard

This postcard from Finand. Traveled 14 days. The postcard is a chocolate ball recipe. She says sorry that it 's a finnish. XD But it looks delicious,right? 芬蘭的首都:赫爾辛基  

2009-06-29 20:12:19

The twentieth postcard

This postcard from Germany. Traveled 9 days. Celle is a town. 德國的首都:柏林  

2009-06-25 18:57:29

The nineteenth postcard

This postcard from U.S.A.   Traveled 7 days.

2009-06-19 18:17:30

The eighteenth postcard

This postcard from Norway. Traveled 11days. Bergen is a city in Norway.

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