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2005-12-21 19:45:16| 人氣350| 回應0 | 下一篇

New Thoughs

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In 2005,
I’m 17.
I’m in the second grade of high school.
I feel busy everyday.
Lots of test,
Lots of reports,
And lots of things should be solve.
Worry about texts,
And worry about future.
What’s the thing I won’t worry?
Just believe in myself,
And work hard step by step,
There’s nothing have to worry about.
Find my courage
And my confident.
I’m sure I can do my best.
To achieve my goals,
and improve myself.
There’s no dreams that hard to achieve.
Don’t be afraid.
Try your best to achieve your goals.
2006 will come,
And 2005 will go.
Make myself well-prepared to welcome......
The Whole New Year!!
Go!Go!Jou Yu!!^^

台長: jouyu
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: *English Part* |
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