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2006-01-15 12:54:05| 人氣299| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Yesterday I saw a movie named ’Now, I want to see you.”
It’s a Japanese movie.
It talk about a boy and a girl were high school’s classmates.
At first, the girl didn’t like the boy, but at last she found herself like him.
After, they started to date,but because of the boy’s sick.
He decided to broke up with the girl.
Many years later, she met him at the train station, but it was very far.
She ran to found him, but she was bumped by a car.
Then, she went into her life 8 years later.
She knew that she would married to the boy and had a cute son.
When she came up to herself, she decided to met the boy.
And married to him.
After 8 years, she died and promised that she would come back after one year.
In the raining season.........

The beginning of the story is the present time.
Her son is grown up.

It’s a touching and happy moive.
I suggest others(my family ,good friends) to see this movie!!
Why not watch this moive in your free time??

台長: jouyu
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: *English Part* |
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