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Alcohol worse than ecstasy on shock new drug list

James Randerson, science correspondent
Friday March 23, 2007
The Guardian

Some of Britain’s leading drug experts demand today that the government’s classification regime be scrapped and replaced by one that more honestly reflects the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco. They say the current ABC system is ”arbitrary” and not based on evidence.
The scientists, including members of the government’s top advisory committee on drug classification, have produced a rigorous assessment of the social and individual harm caused by 20 substances, and believe this should form the basis of any future ranking.

By their analysis, alcohol and tobacco are rated as more dangerous than cannabis, LSD and ecstasy.

They say that if the current ABC system is retained, alcohol would be rated a class A drug and tobacco class B.

”We face a huge problem,” said Colin Blakemore, chief executive of the Medical Research Council and an author of the report, which is published in the Lancet medical journal. ”Drugs ... have never been more easily available, have never been cheaper, never been more potent and never been more widely used.

”The policies we have had for the last 40 years ... clearly have not worked in terms of reducing drug use. So I think it does deserve a fresh look. The principal objective of this study was to bring a dispassionate approach to what is a very passionate issue.”

David Nutt, a psychopharmacologist at Bristol University and member of the Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) which advises ministers on drug policy, added: ”What we are trying to say is we should review the penalties in the light of the harms and try to have a more proportionate legal response.

”The point we are making is that all drugs are dangerous, even the ones that people know and love and use regularly like alcohol.”

Professor Nutt and his team analysed the evidence of harm caused by 20 drugs including heroin, cocaine, cannabis, ecstasy, LSD and tobacco.

They asked a group of 29 consultant psychiatrists who specialise in addiction to rate the drugs in nine categories. Three of these related to physical harm, three to the likelihood of addiction and three to social harms such as healthcare costs. The team also extended the analysis to another group of 16 experts spanning several fields including chemistry, pharmacology, psychiatry, forensics, police and legal services.

The final rankings placed heroin and cocaine as the most dangerous of the 20 drugs. Alcohol was fifth, the class C drug ketamine sixth and tobacco was in ninth place, just behind amphetamine or ”speed”.

Cannabis was 11th, while LSD and ecstasy were 14th and 18th respectively. The rankings do take into account new evidence that specially cultivated ”skunk” varieties of cannabis available now are two to three times stronger than traditional cannabis resin.

Evan Harris MP, the Liberal Democrats’ science spokesman, said the paper undermines the government’s claim that drug policy is evidence-based. ”This comes from the top echelons of the government’s own advisory committee on the misuse of drugs. It blows a hole in the government’s current classification system for drugs.” He said the ACMD should make recommendations to ministers on how to change drug policy based on the findings.

But the shadow home secretary, David Davis, rejected any changes that would confuse the public. ”Drugs wreck lives, destroy communities and fuel other sorts of crime - especially gun and knife crime. Thanks to the government’s chaotic and confused approach to drugs policy, young people increasingly think it is OK to take drugs,” he said, adding that he was against downgrading of ecstasy. ”It is vital nothing else leads young people to believe drugs are OK.”

The position of ecstasy near the bottom of the list was defended by Prof Nutt, who said that apart from some tragic isolated cases ecstasy is relatively safe. Despite about a third of young people having tried the drug and around half a million users every weekend, it causes fewer than 10 deaths a year. One person a day is killed by acute alcohol poisoning and thousands more from chronic use.

Prof Nutt said young people already know ecstasy is relatively safe, so having it in class A makes a mockery of the entire classification system for them. ”The whole harm-reduction message disappears because people say, ’They are lying.’ Let’s treat people as adults, tell them the truth and hopefully work with them to minimise use.”

Another advantage of the new system, according to Professor Blakemore, is that it would be easy to tweak the rankings based on new evidence.

The public furore over the downgrading of cannabis from B to C, he said, showed how hard it is to change drug classifications once they are fixed. ”[Our system] would be easy to use on a rolling basis, to reassess the harms of drugs as evidence developed,” he said.


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i thought this is a known fact
my mate has been feeding me this since forever to justify his pot smoking habit
and occasionally i would say the same to my other mates, haha
2007-03-23 13:39:34
well ari,
i`m just curious whether your mate has been feeding you such info or pot instead? :P
on my previous trip to Nepal my friends tried so hard to persuade me to try smoking pot (they bought some pretty cheap ones from the street. and yes you can get it easily there) and fortunately (unfortunately?) I wasn`t feeling well that day so I said no
but one of them did promise me to make some &quotpot pancakes&quot for me some other day, haha
2007-03-23 15:03:45
”The point we are making is that all drugs are dangerous, even the ones that people know and love and use regularly like alcohol.” 文中有提及這一段.

另外, 香港的某些場所裡出現一些混了雜質的藥物, 主要還是可以牟利的關係, 而混了雜質的藥物可以很危險. 問題是無法分辨那些是混了雜質的.

再說影響會有多長遠現時還未可知道, 因為藥物出現的時間未長至可以作出足夠的觀察. 就如煙草所帶來的影響一直到最近才真正看到.

看著我爸因以前吸煙帶來現在的氣促, 肺氣腫和其他症狀, 我就覺得很難過. 而我爸其實在十多年前已經戒煙, 只是 damage has been done!
2007-03-24 09:33:56

有個朋友去了場K趴(我起初聽不懂,后來才知是Ketamine Party!)



2007-03-26 14:59:54
this is off the record ok?
yes they`d feed me weed occasional occasionally
but it has been more than one year since my last joint

pot pancakes? haha we dun have that here
but one favourite recipe here is weed cookies
at least two mates of mine had been tricked into having them
and apparently the overdoes aint fun at all
heartbeat at impossible rate, restless whole night, headache...

just for interest`s sake, and showing that i aint the &quotpeace, pot, free love&quot hippie you might now take me to be
here`s some new research on cannabis`s link to lung cancer:
2007-03-28 13:13:02
haha I`m afraid you`ve already &quotrecorded down&quot this message my dear :P

restless whole night? well I sure recall how my friends reacted after they smoked some weeds in Nepal. non-stop laughing on meaningless jokes for hours was one of it.

thanks for the link. pretty informative.
2007-03-30 12:29:23
i know eh, stoners are pretty funny
sometime my mate wouldnt smoke himself so that he could stay sober just to see everyone make a joke of themselves

its quite funny how weeds are treated so differently in different places
in neverland, they control it by making it legal in brown house cafe
in most european/western countries, they are illegal but everyone smoke it and the cops dun really bother about it (they are only after the dealers)
in most asian countries, treated as class a drug or some kindaf deadly poison
on the other extreme, some very interesting culture consumed it as part of their holy sacrament (remember bob marley?)

anywayz, this will be the last msg i`ll ever leave about weeds,
wouldnt want ppl take me to be some kindaf stoner,
i still have a reputation to protect
2007-03-30 13:11:42
speaking of how weeds are treated differently in different parts of the world
i was stunned when i saw these hindu monks in Nepal, who are like hippies in the 60s, smoking weeds in the hindu temples
yes the place they stay is actually filled with the smell of it
funny huh?

as for your reputation
no worries as most of the readers of my blog wouldnt have a single idea who you are in real life
except Ryan i suppose :P
2007-04-03 10:47:36
ok another confession
i`ve experimented with using weeds to meditate
it is really, pretty good
almost as if your mind has been cleansed, the mundane things from day-to-day life disappeared, and you are left with your soul
nirvana eh?

ok that`s exactly wat i`m worried about
cause ryan is actually quite conservative
he must thinks me a pothead now :O
(plz ryan dun see this plz)
2007-04-04 09:41:59
hmm...is this a place you come for confession and ask for forgiveness? :P

now your description of the meditatoin process sounds interesting
that`s exactly how my friends used to describe their experience with weeds
but i sure know it`s illegal in my country, and taiwan as well. look at how those celebrities were condemed for smoking pot (although i believe thousands of people did it before)

ryan is conservative? i didnt know about that
such a movie addict should had been exposed to all kinds of weird stuff before in front of his eyes
well let see if he has anything to say about this haha

by the way where are you staying now huh?
2007-04-04 13:46:03
yea i know, taiwanese/asians make a such a big fuss over this
i`m not saying pot is good or should be made legal
but the truth is, so many are using it or substances much worse than pot
yet look at the way media panic, a very superficial and superfluous and hypocritical concern

he has a broad mindset and is tolerant of all sorts of ideas and viewpoints
but that not be how he lives his life and interacts world around him
u know what i mean?
this is not at him, myself is like that too
of all the movies i`ve seen, i thought i`m empathetic of, say, extra-marital affair (for we know how weak the human heart is etc), but truth is, i probably will more than likely frown at it if it happens in front of me.........
2007-04-04 19:46:49
forgot to say that i`m in nz
2007-04-04 19:47:56
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