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2007-11-02 02:32:19| 人氣166| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

What’s your dream?

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Recently I’d like to ask people what is your dream.

one weeks ago I had heard one interesting passage from one of my friend. She said that if I ask the people what’s your dream who are like you, a 24 years old girl or boy. They may know the answer and reply quickly. If I go further to ask them that do you think that you have chance to achieve it or not? They will confirm that it’s possible.

For those poeple who’s age are older 30 or 40, they may know their precious dream in the future and recall it sometimes, but if you ask them that do you have the oppotunity to get it. Their most of answers are negative.

It does really make me curious about why these anwsers happen to different ages’ peeple. For the moment I get some conclusions, the causes may be...

1.Time flies quickly and poeple get to know life is realistic.
2.People are numb by working and losing motion.
3. People are busy for life and without leisure time to think about it.

**Having dreams are beautiful, even thought they are just dreams.**

台長: jialing
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