四年前的形式的極簡、表演的深情和四年後的形式的繁複、表演的雲淡風輕都是一種詮釋,相信無論如何都逃不出原作Love Letters和劇作家A.R.Gurney的思緒──Love Letters首演於1988年,1989年於外百老匯搬演時,演出64場,首演由 Kathleen Turner和 John Rubinstein兩位演員演出,之後只在星期天和星期一晚上演出。
一個中規中矩的律師Andrew Makepeace Ladd III,和一個極度不穩定卻充滿生命力的藝術家Melissa Gardner,到了台灣,變成市議員李政國和畫家陳淑芬。
A.R. Gurney (b. November 1, 1930) is an American playwright and novelist. Born in Buffalo, New York, Gurney, a graduate of St. Paul’s School (Concord, New Hampshire), attended Williams College and the Yale School of Drama, after which he began teaching Humanities at MIT. He began writing plays such as Scenes from American Life, Children, and The Middle Ages while at MIT, but it was his great success with The Dining Room that allowed him to write full-time. The Dining Room is a complicated play with six actors playing a multitude of characters in overlapping scenes set in the singular title location.
Since The Dining Room, Gurney has written a number of plays, most of them concerning WASPs of the American northeast, particularly New England. They include:
What I Did Last Summer
The Cocktail Hour
The Perfect Party
Another Antigone
Sweet Sue
Love Letters
The Old Boy
The Snow Ball (based on his novel) ISBN 0-88184-214-1
A Cheever Evening (based on stories by John Cheever)
Later Life
The Fourth Wall
Far East
Ancestral Voices
Buffalo Gal
Mrs. Farnsworth
O Jerusalem
Screen Play
Indian Blood
Crazy Mary
The Golden Age
The Problem
Gurney has also written several novels; in addition to the abovementioned The Snow Ball, they include:
The Gospel According to Joe
Entertaining Strangers ISBN 0-385-12551-8
In 2006, Gurney was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
疑似是Love Letters的劇照。
Love Letters的劇照。1999年。中間是導演。