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今日放假﹐一CHECK電郵就見到狂歡大寶(按年齡計 E > D >V )SEND來既一般關於心理學既野﹐我知佢一直“好”佛洛伊德﹐而我突然間回想到D野﹐所以打算“成文”順便回應一下大寶同睇番以前學過既野﹐亦俾其他都一樣好學既親友參考一下﹐最好睇完之後係留言版或私底回應一下啦~﹗因為我都幾鐘意聽D心理學說ga~!








1口腔期(oral stage,0~1歲)

2肛門期(anal stage,1~3歲)

3性器期(phallic stage,3~6歲)

4潛伏期(latent stage,7歲至青春期)

5兩性期(genital stage,青春期以後)

Sigmund Freud 呢套理論﹐我早在兩年前淺淺學過﹐當時好記得個位我好欣賞既instructor Gloria Mitchell 話﹕我呢個心理學博士話﹐佛洛伊德係痴線既偉大心理學家﹗

佢唔完全認同Freud﹐唔“FOND OF”上面個套包括infantile sexuality既Development theory。我呢﹐就抱著“幾得意”既心態“接受”呢番理論﹐當係有需要個陣可以用作考慮之用﹐唔﹐都唔可以話太肯定個隻﹐畢竟呢科唔係我專業(<----﹗﹗﹗乜台長有其他科有D乜專業知識架咩﹗??﹗)。

但係﹐(老師又話)Freud既功勞係好大。(大係邊呢?)大係佢既 psychoanalysis 思想。佢好似係會去研究人既潛意識既先鋒之一。佢提出左好多非常有用論點去support佢既theory﹐用左好多日常生活例子﹐多數都類似係﹐你做一樣好平凡普通既事﹐都可能係因為某種潛意識作怪。

呢段係我既NOTES到見到改篇而成。本PSYCHOLOGY TEXT我早已經賣左﹐所以冇得用D太concrete既examples。

The Theory of the Unconscious

Freud was arguably the first thinker to apply deterministic principles systematically to the sphere of the mental, and to hold that the broad spectrum of human behaviour is explicable only in terms of the (usually hidden) mental processes or states which determine it. Thus, instead of treating the behaviour of the neurotic as being causally inexplicable - which had been the prevailing approach for centuries -

Freud insisted, on the contrary, on treating it as behaviour for which is meaningful to seek an explanation by searching for causes in terms of the mental states of the individual concerned. Hence the significance which he attributed to slips of the tongue or pen, obsessive behaviour, and dreams - all, he held, are determined by hidden causes in the person's mind, and so they reveal in covert form what would otherwise not be known at all. This suggests the view that freedom of the will is, if not completely an illusion, certainly more tightly circumscribed than is commonly believed, for it follows from this that whenever we make a choice we are governed by hidden mental processes of which we are unaware and over which we have no control.

嘩﹐果然講得好好。特別係最後個幾隻字 --whenever we make a choice we are governed by hidden mental processes of which we are unaware and over which we have no control.


Men are strong only so long as they represent a strong idea.
They become powerless when they oppose it.
—Sigmund Freud

好多人記得Freud係因為佢個套將性連到人生每一個層面上既理論﹐但係佢好多偉大既貢獻係佢因為想defend佢呢套唔被人睇好既理論而做既其他所有功夫﹐而就如我個instructor咁﹐認同佢用來support個套development theory既野而始終唔認同套development theory。

Freud's innovative treatment of human actions, dreams, and indeed of cultural artefacts as invariably possessing implicit symbolic significance has proven to be extraordinarily fecund, and has had massive implications for a wide variety of fields, including anthropology, semiotics, and artistic creativity and appreciation in addition to psychology. Freud's most important and frequently re-iterated claim, that with psychoanalysis he had invented a new science of the mind, remains the subject of much critical debate and controversy.

教完佛洛伊德既功勞之後﹐我記得instructor就講下Freud既私生活﹐佢仲話﹐佢一定唔會做freud既老婆﹐因為freud成日用“做實驗”既理由同實驗室助手 have sex﹐好記得﹐唔知係唔係真。我仲記得Freud好似有會令人好痛好痛既Jaw Cancer﹐同最惜既女兒﹐老婆同實驗室助手係英國渡過最後既日子﹐而佢當時就已經係一個好受人注目既學界巨子。

People did not believe in my facts and thought my theories unsavory. In the end, I succeeded, but the struggle is not yet over.
—Sigmund Freud


'psychic energy'﹕that the human personality is also an energy-system, and that it is the function of psychology to investigate the modifications, transmissions, and conversions of 'psychic energy' within the personality which shape and determine it. This latter conception is the very cornerstone of Freud's psychoanalytic theory.

好似話Freud係根據當時“新出”既物理學同生化理念而成﹕ the total amount of energy in any given physical system is always constant, that energy quanta can be changed but not annihilated, and consequently that when energy is moved from one part of the system it must reappear in another part. All living organisms, including the human one, are essentially energy-systems to which, no less than to inanimate objects, the principle of the conservation of energy applies


不如又講下我個位instructor。係一個好瘦既阿婆﹐有好精彩既人生經歷﹐ 上上下堂會講下﹐好活潑生動既lecturer。除左佢俾我既A+同無限既鼓勵之外﹐佢自己既故仔就係一個好好既人生教材 (台長天性猜疑﹐有時會諗﹐呢D故仔會唔會係佢作出來﹐令學生“墮入圈套”俾心機向理想努力呢?)﹐佢亦成為其中一位令我感受以身作則既威力既老師。

諗諗下﹐我so far都遇過唔少好老師﹐亦可以算我既福氣啦~


Pic: A drawing of Freud, Cover of one of the Times magazine.

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