One of the funniest thing at San Diego is the foggy climate here at Autumn. I know that San Francisco is foggy all year round, but I didn't expect San Diego to be like this in any sense.
Anyway, when I was walking by myself to the groups of buildings belonging to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography today, I felt the fog with my arm. It is like tiny floating dogs following you, so funny. This makes me smile as I am playing with the fog. If you go further, you can see the Pacific Ocean. The sky is unclear and one just cannot distinguish the sea from the sky -- or maybe, they're really going together sometimes during our dreams. Suddenly I realized how nice it is to see things through the fog, and I realized my calmness during a foggy day.
The previous memory of a foggy day was at Cupterino. I was going to the choir during a foggy Sunday morning and it was cold, but I was in a nice mood ^o^. The Silicon Valley is foggy during winter and early spring. It is very dry during summer and although I never sweat (which is more comfortable as compared to Macau's climate, though I couldn't lose weigh by sweating)whenever I go out to the sun I feel like my skin is burning. During a cloudy foggy day, I won't feel that, and at the same time I don't need to bear the cold wind that is attacking my poor face >_<
I don't feel more depressed during a "gray" day as most people do. I somehow want to try the British climate, which my old classmate from UK had a description like this: you never see the sun. I think that's okay for me though, I like how it is to be in a blurry but not dark environment. The tiny tiny vapours are all over my jacket, and makes my hair a little damp, but everything has an opportunity cost, right?
I am not sure whether my ideas now are due to my mood only or they are really coming from my real character -- that I like fog. But..perhaps I should start trying to define this:
Favourite weather: a cool and foggy day.