It's easter this sunday.
Well, I don't have a holiday, and I don't feel like want one. I was busying the whole week, but for the weekends I'm kind of relaxed. I think about life, I think about God, I think about the planet Earth, and I think about my family and friends. So practically I produced nothing out of my time except thoughts.
It's easter this sunday.
Well, last year my previous roommate was yelling to me with enthusiasm telling me that the Target store is having a sale soon. She indeed brought back home some napkins and paper bowls and plates for us....with a really good price. Saved us effort and time to wash the dishes at least. Oh, yeah, she brought some cute chocolate easter eggs home, with colorful wrappings, and she gave me some to try. How I like to eat chocolates those days! But they're no more appealing to me today. I like them still, however, I couldn't find that excitment the chocolates had once succeeded in giving me.
It's easter this sunday.
Well, in fact that means nothing at all to the current me. When I was studying at a Catholic school, it implies that we're going to have 4 weeks of Lent right before Easter day, and we have to donate something to the needy during Lent. As a class treasurer, at certain years, depending on the class teacher's policy, I am responsible for collecting and suming up money donations from my classmates. Every year a list of the sum of donations of every class of our school is posted up at the end of Lent. Competition certainly involved then, like, will OUR class have the greatest sum of donations? All about money, the Church is asking for money -- that was my thoughts at those days. Meanwhile, I remember watching the Sisters lighting up beautiful purple, pink or white candles, which gave me all sorts of fantasies, and I remember all those nice hyms and little songs we sang during the morning assembly. I didn't bring the school's song book with me to the States, but those melodies lived in my mind till now...vaguely. Seems like those are melodies of my past life.
It's easter this sunday.
Well, for the Orthodox and other Eastern christianities, they have the Passover instead. Walking into the university's cafeteria one day, I saw all those Passover receipes! Seems interesting to me since I've never ever tried a Passover meal, but anyhow I chose to get a pizza for my lunch instead.
It's easter this sunday.
Well, yesterday which is a Friday, before I get off from work at the SIO library, one woman staff, who occasionally tells me about her sons and her husband, approached me and asked "When is Easter?" I smiled and replied "This Sunday~" "Oh, then happy holidays~!" All I feel is that she responded without using her head. My brains was filled with plans on what would be a good time to tell her that "I am NOT interested in knowing about your family life! Especially what present your husband gave you at birtdays!! Don't tell me about what you and your sons did for Easter next week when you see me!!"
Oh, it's Easter tomorrow...
Well, isn't this all about Christ's resurrection? How God wants us to know that He can really performed a so-called "miracle"?