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2002-09-15 08:37:02| 人氣119| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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This is my second to the last lazy Saturdays this season. Something special, though, when I walked past the Post Office. There were class schedules of 4 colleges in this neighborhood for people to read, including that of Foothill, Mission, San Jose City and for sure De Anza's.

That picture caught my eyes right away -- Gray's! Yeah~!

Then the thought of meeting him soon heats me all up, and it takes me a smile hanging on my weird face all along my walking back home. I was just depressed these days and one of the reasons is that school will start soon. Everything around me is still in a mess, but now, I am willing to keep up a better mood to deal with them. I really do hope that I can do well in the coming Organic Chemistry class. I can't let Gray think negative of me, right? Gotta work hard~

Saturday are oftenly used for crazy deeds and thoughts.

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