http:// (part1-10mins) (part2-6mins)
Fitna (word), an Arabic word
The First Fitna (656–661 CE) the first Islamic ”civil war”
The Second Fitna (c. 680/683-c. 685/692 CE), the second Islamic ”civil war”

My personal view is that these are all happened truth.
It’s like the attack in London, Madrid and the Britsh journalist which had been cut his head off by terrorists sometime ago.
What happened in Holland on some islamitic schools boys and girls sit
in different areas and don’t follow the rules in Holland.
I think they should follow the same rules like everybody else
in this country.
Geert doesn’t against Islam people but against some parts of the
Koran(可蘭經). For example, they say: who don’t believe Koran should be killed I saw this in the Christian bible too when
I was young....(who do not believe me then should go hell).
The difference is, that nobody use the bible as a reason to kill non believers anymore. But anyhow the rest of the religions
seems not so extreme to again the people who doesn’t belong to that religion.
I do not belong to any party, religion.
My view now is Buddhism could be the best who doesn’t fight or kill other who is not Buddist.
What I hope you can understand is this film only repesents 5% of the
Islam extremist.
The rest of the 80% muslim are nice people and doesn’t have this kind of thoughts. 15% of the muslim may have this kind of thoughts but doesn’t do it as this 5% extremist.
I am really worry for the Dutch government’s reaction.
Shame on Dutch Priminister said ”I feel pitty that he bring this film to this workd and create the confilict to islam world....”
I feel he should have guts like Denmark priminister say ”my people
have the freedom right of speech, my people have the freedom right of artistic creation......
I start to wonder what is the freedown status in Taiwan.
Do we have the freedown to create the artwork in all kinds of subject?
Can we say what ever we want to say ?
Do we ?