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2006-07-20 11:21:20

US Trip 2006 : An update

An Update: Most of you know that I have been to the United States from 29 June to 19 July for two difference Christian conferences and visiting friends. Arrived Hong Kong last night and after a ...

2006-07-10 03:15:54

Heaven in New Haven (8-10 July 06)

9 July 2006, New Haven, CT, USA What a blessing to be able to attend church while you are thousand miles away from home. How I missed the worship and the experience of different church functions i...

2006-07-08 13:44:30

US Trip Part I - San Jose (29 Jun to 7 Jul 06)

5 July 2006 San Jose Trip (29 June to 5 July 2006) Christian Summer Conference “A kingdom that cannot be shaken” No. of participates for this year: more than 1900 people from different parts...

2006-06-28 04:04:39

Summer trip plan 2006 (29 June to 19 Jul)

In the previous two years, I spent the summers with College and high school students in Mainland China. We worked in a team with people from North America and Hong Kong and organized English camps on...

2006-06-19 01:03:23


「我 若 有 先 知 講 道 之 能 、 也 明 白 各 樣 的 奧 秘 、 各 樣 的 知 識 . 而 且 有 全 備 的 信 、 叫 我 能 夠 移 山 、 卻 沒 有 愛 、 我 就 算 不 得 甚 麼 。」 (哥林多前書13章2節) 這句話很是提...

2006-06-01 11:31:45


自小喜歡看有關心靈及成長的書本,記得有次看到這樣的一段話: 「我沒有名牌波鞋可穿,很不快樂,直至我遇到一個沒有腳的人。」 今天我看到的不只是一個沒有腿的人,而是一個沒有四肢但生命力比很多人都強的Nic...

2006-05-30 15:04:42


人生的起落跌盪,彷似把人放在大海裡 --- 每時每刻都在高高低低的浮動著。 也許這是我掙扎用中文輸入的原因,還未把它們說完;事情又過去了。 浮動的狀態於我並不陌生,可是再不把它們記下來的話,太浪費了人生成...

2006-05-28 20:48:05

Moment between edges

There’s one thing on earth that can make people become very productive – it is called “deadline”. Sunday. It’s 20:15, the office is so quite, since noon time. In the coming few hours, I p...

2006-05-25 03:17:13

The Process that matters

Mission completed, at least the most daunting part. Completing mission requires substantial amount of perseverance and concentration. Thanks Lord for granting me those. Arriving home at 2:30...

2006-05-18 09:32:02

Isn’t it gorgeous?

早上起來,陽光明媚。 好一個早晨。 坐在窗邊的書卓前作靈修,看聖經,為今天要走的路先注入靈糧。 寫完日記後,在蟬鳴中隨意的抬起頭來,呵,很美的早晨呵。 想起林行止先生在自選集《閒在心上》的一篇散...

2006-05-17 00:46:11

The meaning of Impossible

Guess I am going to experience a miracle from Lord in the coming 8 days. The amount of work that I have to complete is far beyond one can imagine – you bet, its’ huge and all are significan...

2006-05-11 09:50:08

Happiness v.s. Joy

早上靈修看路加福音10-12章,接著看蘇穎智牧師的《每日與主同行》解說。 在默想部份,蘇穎智牧師把「快樂」與「喜樂」的定義寫的很好。 他指出「(快樂) 是Happiness,由happening (某事發生)而主宰的;境遇好就喜,境...

2006-05-07 23:06:07

The Day the World Changed

The Day the World Changed 2006/5/7 晚上,好好的做過晚餐,本想休閒的看看電視。 不曉得有多久沒看電視,胡亂的按著搖控器,都是沒什麼意義的節目。 還是看VCD吧,只是想不到這張不是首次看的Documentary仍感...

2006-04-29 00:47:00


(It has been a rough week – getting up very early like 6:30am everyday. Trying to catch up some works and yet new tasks are also rushing in. Lucky to get great conversation/discussion with Lucy and...

2006-04-22 23:52:58


宿生會請我寫一篇關於我最喜愛地方的文章。我想了又想,人生可以像「到此一遊」的心態到過很多地方,而介紹這些地方資料的,相信任何一本的旅遊書都寫得比我好。我想我最喜愛的地方,是帶給人回憶的地方。 我的回憶比...

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