I ‘m trying to find things back.
I lost as much as I could while people spoke like they were forced to be with impulses. But the point is they spoke the way of sure. How could I identify the truth? How could I refuse a future that had never ever existed? I was hesitated, and also afraid.
Courage did no help to any specific thing. I got words from people, and information from honest things; that built me belief, or something like that. Maybe one day I meet a guy, and it’s just like a timing to realize the mutual emotions of people; then I will not know, even the truth comes out from my mind but my brain. Everything is just abstract before it is recognized, and that‘s why people can not take a rest for absorbing every possible thing within moments around their living environments.
Sometimes I need to go out; aimless wandering, or just stay with people who I think I almost require. They must to be full of security to me.
Now is nearly twelve o’clock, there’s someone tell me that today is different. She mentioned the changes of sky, and also seasons. However in the end of her words, she said these were wrong; the messages.