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2009-09-12 18:16:13| 人氣935| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

English, is it a MUST?

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Sometimes people ask me, why I prefer to use English for communication.

Neh, I know I'm not pretending that I'm from some other countries.

It's just I started to be in an English friendly environment since my childhood thanks to my father who was doing international trading back then.

I eh, could say, admire him so much cuz he's a sucessful model for me since I could feel the people around him always respect him so much.

Though I don't understand any biz at all at that small age, bet everyone could feel there's something he's got is different or unique comparing to others.

Yeh, I know, if I adopt English to write this article on my blog, this would definitely be one of the least visited articles up here.

Trust me, I tried it before.


But I do know in this "language mode" could I finish an article at the fatest speed.

My dad taught me there's a "language mode" out there when we try to use our mouths/words to interact with the outside world.

For example, you're using "Chinese mode" when speaking Chinese with your friends, the way you think, the vocabulary, the grammar you use would be completely coming out from your "Chinese mind."

The concepts of "mode" and "mind" were introduced then by my dad.

So, it's not that difficult for us to learn how to use just another, or yet another language if we need for communication.

Just need to learn how to "shift" your language mode flexibly.

Language this thing is amazing, for, sometimes you'll find using some other ones could let you express more than the one you used to speak.

Now I only could keep dreaming my dream, for being able to speak some more languages, then I could choose the most proper one to use when needed.

i.e. German, French, and Thai, I got the text books on hand!!!

台長: Jason LAI, PMP 則先
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