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2007-06-24 19:08:08| 人氣597| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Innocent >>> Small Mercies

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Innocent - Small Mercies

It’s amazing I can’t even close my eyes
To hide away, from the fear
Although I try I’m losing my whole life
My conscience now, is clear

Now I, I can’t explain
I’m not to blame
We are all innocent
Now, nothing to say
The more we betray
We are all innocent

Hey yeh

I long to find the words to justify
The reason now, for what we do
You’re so damn blind, I’m human, I’m mankind
Perfectly flawed, I’m just like you

Now I, I can’t explain
I’m not to blame
We are all innocent
Now, nothing to say
The more we betray
We are all innocent

I gotta keep on running
I can feel it coming
You hold me down as waves tower over my head
Words sound like thunder
They pull me under
We can be free

So free

It’s amazing I can’t even close my eyes
To hide away, from the fear

Now I, I can’t explain
I’m not to blame
We are all innocent
Now I, I can’t explain
I’m not to blame
We are all innocent
Now, nothing to say
The more we betray
We are all innocent

Innocent now
Innocent now

台長: Jason LAI, PMP 則先
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 樂聽樂舒暢 |
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