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2007-04-17 05:11:22| 人氣435| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Am I a poet?

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After the text sent to you last night,

suprisingly got your replied text, yes, I was happy, then.

Saying that you really like (owell, not ”love”? :-P) my ”poems” written to you.

Okay~ Now I become a poet since I met you~

Can’t figure out how it happens and what it works at all.

It’s just....eh.......things keep coming out of my mind and I’m just doing some ”typing” works to let you know what they actually are.

Could that be called the job of a poet?


Can’t wait to know what you think about this.

But one thing I am so sure is,

everytime when I go back checking what I texted you,

I can hardly believe it’s generated from me.

Inspiration? Maybe, and whatever.

All I know is I can’t do this if it were not You.

If it were not You.

When u look into the sky, u can see me as the brightest star looking at u.
When u feel alone in the crowd,my love is the air surronding u w/ u every sec~For u~

Still can’t figure out how it could be treated as a poem...
But that’s what I wanna say, to you.

台長: Jason LAI, PMP 則先
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