最近看了Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz的 '緣份精華遊'
也許劇本是真的寫我好, 還是心情不好所以有所共鳴, 不得而知
Kate Winslet 的友人說
'When you catch your guy with another woman, you're not supposed to stay friends with him. You're supposed to never talk to the prick again. You're supposed to throw things at him, scream, call him names, not do his blooming laundry.'
沒有用的我, 是的, 沒有再為你洗洗熨熨; 但我還是讓你來我家吃飯. 而你也豪不客氣的吃下六碗飯
是我應該為自己的廚藝而感到自豪? 還是應該想一下到底和我交往過的你到底是怎麼的一個人? 愛上別人的你, 到底為什麼可以在我家裡這麼的好胃口?
而我到底又是怎樣的一個女人? 我非但沒有大叫大嚷, 還在你說'我不能再親你了' 的時候, 好好的祝你能得到幸福
這到底是你對我殘忍, 還是我的驕傲把自己推到懸崖邊?
Cameron Diaz 對他剛分手的男朋友說
'Look, it's over. You know, we might as well be hoenst with each other. Just tell me. Did you sleep with her? Just say it. What's the difference at this point, right? I mean, why torture me? Just... just put me out of my misery.'
從前的你, 曾不對我說謊
也許你已不再在乎, 但你把你在我心中僅有的都破滅
當你說第一個謊的時候, 我就知道你不再愛我了
你和她的事, 即使你不說出口, 難道我就會不知道?
既然你覺得我不知道也許比較好, 那我就裝著不知道吧?!
但當在她長途跋涉來看你的前一天, 你竟然還若無其事的問我拿床單, 我還應該裝著我什麼都不知道嗎?
Kate Winslet 安慰 Jack Black 說
'I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible. And how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you. And it doesn't matter how many new hair cuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood and how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door.'
你不知不覺的讓我變得很渺小, 卑微得連自己都快認不得自己了
因你的一句話, 我決定留在英國; 因你的一句話, 我跑了大半個地球到語言不通的日本找到了工作, 就因為你說那是離你家最近的醫院
是的, 朋友都紛紛前來安慰, 熱鬧過後, 最後剩下的還不是自己一個?
每天醒來, 只因為要提醒自己你已經不再需要我叫你起床, 心裡就是不再踏實
從前滴酒不沾的我家裡竟然有紅酒, 伏特加和松子酒
現在的我, 要是不喝酒就根本睡不著
其實我只想有一天晚上, 我不用看到你房間的燈熄滅以後才安心去睡
也許我應該要習慣再沒有你把我從書桌前, 浴缸中抱回睡床的今天
聖誕節快到了, 你回日本的時候我能好好的睡一覺嗎?
我也許需要一個沒有你的 The Holiday
就如 Kate Winslet 在劇中所說的
'We both know I need to fall out of love with you. Would be great if you would let me try.'
我會努力試看看, 試著讓你走, 也許那也是放過自己