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2008-12-06 04:53:17
2005-07-19 17:45:58

Lucy M. Montgomery

大家知唔知L.M.Montgomery係邊個? 有冇聽過或睇過《清秀佳人》先? 咁卡通片《紅髮安妮》有睇過了吧! 《清秀佳人》咪就係《Anne of Green Gables》囉! 大陸居然譯做《綠山牆上的安妮》,笑爆!!! Montgomer...

2005-07-07 11:36:06


山窮水盡疑無路 柳暗花明又一村 (做功課做得多就係咁搬成語出呢) (翻譯最高境界係用四字成語,但又唔好濫用) 終於知道禍不單行係會點 修唔到AC453C 不特止 原來仲要多修兩科 天呀!!!!!!!!!! 點解我嘅人生路...

2005-06-29 15:50:41

Jean Webster

小學時睇過卡通片《長腿叔叔》,都識得哼兩句卡通片主題曲《夢中天使》:「心中的牽掛,悠悠講給天空知,每一串夢兒,埋藏我的心事......」 《長腿叔叔》(Daddy-Long-Legs)嘅作者係 Jean Webster, 唔知佢係咪特別...

2005-06-27 10:43:00

Prepare for the worst

當知道take 唔到AC453C Tranlsation Project 即意味要遲好多先畢業 學吾根叔(或姜得久) 舉起雙手向天大喊三聲:Ohmygod (最好加上戲劇性嘅效果) 你問我點算 唯有話: prepare for the worst 船到橋頭自然直(...

2005-06-25 13:52:55


成個月都落雨,日落夜落,落夠未呀? 個太陽你去咗邊? 好快d同我出⑪ (開始明白哲羅姆寫嘅'On the Weather' 真係多得尼篇嘢唔少) 一落雨心情又唔係幾好 趕住交功課 又冇得打機 打得機多又嫌隻game悶 買新ga...

2005-06-03 17:17:23


你想起了嗎 那是天陰陰的一個下午 商場一樓有個身穿Peter Pan 服的小男孩 你想起了嗎 當天我說話結巴結巴 就是想對你說一句話 你想起了嗎 你仔細聽見了吧 許是已經忘了吧 你曾不小心踩到我的腳 我就...

2005-06-03 16:39:43


以為不見面 就能切斷思念 捧起珠淚 守護一串串玻璃夢 想到從前 是客觀的記憶 還是包裝過剪接過的回憶 片段 你已走遠 我也走向另一端 各自回到自己的終點 回首凝望那一片 落葉

2005-06-01 11:54:17


11:45am--剛做完AC352C TMA04 第3條翻譯題, 剩下第1題未做... 今個月真係TMA 月... 下星期交 culture and translation TMA01 月中又有兩三份要交 月尾又要交一份 八月考試...嗚嗚嗚...

2005-05-18 16:25:22


聽日要交兩份功課,仍在努力中(咪即係臨急抱佛腳)(苦笑)。 臨急抱佛腳鮋原因十之八九都是一個字──「懶」。 唔想睇Notes唔想做功課唔想做劇烈大腦運動 小丸子式逃避現實(功課): 我怕上課 更怕那家課 最...

2005-04-25 18:07:50

Roald Dahl

最近在催逼細佬睇英文書,皆因佢英文屎,點考A-Level。 我逼佢睇Roald Dahl寫的兒童故事,勝在故事相當易明,想像力豐富,兼有唔少插圖。 我最鍾意佢寫的短篇小說’Lamb to the Slaughter’, 結局令人意想不到,再...

2005-04-11 11:36:26

Which religion is the right one for you?

You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already. In Buddhism, there are Fo...

2005-04-11 11:25:19

"What color are you?"

Your color is orange... You are very courageous, understanding and friendly.... You can sometimes be bossy and stubborn, and you love to be the leader, but you make a loyal friend as well... You are b...

2005-04-11 11:17:25

Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?

You scored as Peter Pan. Your alter ego is Peter Pan. You are a child at heart. Anything you believe is possible, and you never want to grow up. Peter Pan 75% The Beast 63% ...

2005-03-22 13:30:50

What If

What If by Kate Winslet from the Movie ’Christmas Carol’ Here I stand alone With this weight upon my heart, And it will not go away. In my head I keep on looking back, Right ...

2005-03-17 17:46:46


係好幾年前我就選擇做一個有sense的觀眾,唔想畀某一個電視台牽著鼻子走。我鍾意睇韓劇,首選亞視,因為播得多。 我鍾意睇明珠同國際台的節目如:You Are What You Eat、Help Wanted、Outback Jack、The Apprenti...

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