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2010-08-17 08:50:56
2012-06-19 06:55:57
2007-07-12 08:23:33


July 12th... 月娘永久的守護 留下螃蟹的印記 只能措手不及 喃喃張望紅塵 愛也不是 恨也不是 不如 Go fishing!! 忘卻種種憂愁

2007-07-01 08:13:32


昨夢迢遙桑梓 客心驚喜展眉開靨伴椿萱 逢處呈佳氣繡陌凝香千里 游禽侵河水捲簾呼酒沐蟾光 惟恐朝陽起

2007-07-01 08:10:48

Piper Perabo & Lena Headey--Part IX

I am dead...in big trouble...They are both charming...Can’t keep eyes off them...Got to stop it...got to focus on something else...No more L films...no more G films..but...it goes on when Fingersmith...

2007-06-25 06:41:22


蝶翅逐花影 櫓櫂起漪漣繞階登嶠山 覓桃源幾回見絕景 無奈路蚰蜒直得寸腸斷 恨孤單

2007-06-25 06:32:29

Piper Perabo & Lena Headey--Part VIII

Unbelievable....I still think...they are both Gorgeous!!scary...feel...very weird...Have seen many L films...Lovely...Touching...and Classic...Especially...the Fingersmith...I am doomed...helpless..Ca...

2007-06-15 08:58:32


侵曉遙聞雀鳥 黃昏獨倚闌干 無盡離情客恨 叢聚塵軒 都道春光好 床燈不肯眠 長夜樓窗半亞 淚向嬋娟

2007-06-15 08:57:01

Piper Perabo & Lena Headey--Part VII

如果不看 L film, 就不會發現 Piper and Lena如果不發現Piper and Lena, 就不會迷上她們總而言之, 這一切純屬意外...me innocent...Just let it be............I am used to it...I can always watch them with hap...

2007-06-14 09:16:41


園林日斜 涼棚啜茶黃鶯驚落芳華 抹西郊晚霞長遊際涯 提燈咄嗟夜闌黯抱琵琶 惹愁人幾家

2007-06-14 09:08:59

Piper Perabo & Lena Headey--Part VI

Sigh!!...never knew this would be endless...I think...I just can’t resist...Their beauty attracts...Their elegance melts...Their intelligence guides...I think...I am in big trouble...Sigh!!...never k...

2007-06-13 09:12:49


晴初萬綠醉行人 鮮榮笑吐香芬如酌璚漿 幾度歡醺長林聊賴暖春 倉庚勤娥妝淺扮 物華相對 不使眉顰

2007-06-13 08:57:30

Piper Perabo & Lena Headey--Part V

My ma ya...can’t believe it...They are both still...haunting me!!Got no place to hide...Got no one to come to rescue...Got no other movie star to substitute...Very shocking...very wicked...Must be th...

2007-06-07 09:07:37


雨盡楚天晴 繡野開花片風起芳林奏九聲 聲入瀟湘館偷覷小樓窗 對景塵心亂優樂能添幾許愁 笑寢深深院

2007-06-07 09:07:07

Piper Perabo & Lena Headey--Part IV

They are both still GORGEOUS!!中了毒,無藥可救該怪誰呢?That goblin on the mountain!!Watch too many L films...想回頭,身子動彈不得Very weird indeed...罷了!罷了!I should just sit there...and enjoy th...

2007-06-06 07:56:51


園林鶯燕戲花叢 朝夕喚暄風芳蕤滿目 物華瀾漫 拾翠與詩翁日陽漸暖澌霜雪 客雁過城東年少飄遊 揮觴一笑 且伴廣寒宮

2007-06-06 06:48:57

Piper Perabo & Lena Headey--Part III

數數日子,居然尚未結束驚訝中想找個替代品尋尋覓覓,卻連個影子也沒有算了,順其自然吧只是害得你無法假裝誠實your nose is getting longer就算你看了 Piper 的 Coyote Uglyand told me that you like Piper morebu...

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