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2007-06-15 08:57:01| 人氣346| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Piper Perabo & Lena Headey--Part VII

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如果不看 L film, 就不會發現 Piper and Lena
如果不發現Piper and Lena, 就不會迷上她們
總而言之, 這一切純屬意外...me innocent...

Just let it be............I am used to it...
I can always watch them with happy smile...
Don’t know how long it will take to forget them...
I don’t care anymore...
Just let it be....I am good at it...

怪誰都是 useless...I realized...
’Cause they are both still Gorgeous!!
I am lost...in the dream of L....

台長: 玉塵
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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