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2009-11-16 19:06:24| 人氣995| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Before Sunrise & Before Sunset

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They are two episodes of a romantic story, although both of them are so individually complete.  The most impressive design of “Before Sunrise” is its open ending, so waiting for the second episode for nine years is totally worth.  They are not blockbusters, so from the realistic perspective, producing “Before Sunset” is not a rational decision but the fulfillment of an inspiring fascination. 

    The structure of these two movies is so simple and pure that someone may have the opinion that solely reading the script is enough to appreciate the essence.  However, the readers will definitely miss the attractive European background and the subtle performance of the main characters.  No one can imagine the profound dialogue between Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy happens on New York streets because that would entirely ruin the movie.  It must take place somewhere with delicate culture.  Also, it is impossible for the paper work to vividly demonstrate the sophistication accumulated by the actor and the actress and the experiences influencing them during the nine years.  Nevertheless, undoubtedly their lines in the movies are the most crucial elements which preoccupy almost all the audience.  Deforming the lines will cause serious damage which can not be redeemed.

    Cynical point of view might suggest that the plot is not down to earth: Two strangers enjoy the extremely insightful communication in such a condensed period of time, and the spiritual connection is still tremendously strong after separating for nine years.  Interestingly, this is the attitude Ethan Hawke perhaps holds in the films.  He displays his skepticism in a practical manner, but at the same time he is obviously fond of abstract pondering which is close to religious and philosophical levels; he is an intriguing combination.  As to Julie Delpy, she is a typical idealist who is glad to be naïve, and naturally she will feel frustrated when she looks back in the second movie.  Most significant of all, in the movies Ethan Hawke is an American and Julie Delpy is French, but nationality, distance, and time can not change the possibility that they can be perfect for each other.

台長: innerpeace
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全站分類: 電影賞析(電影情報、觀後感、影評) | 個人分類: 英美 |
此分類下一篇:一路玩到掛(The Bucket List)

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