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2014-08-09 06:09:48| 人氣811| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I do not rember  how  many men had hold my hand

or kissed me  before

but  sex  is just sex

sex  is not love

I loved

when I laught and cried  for someone

I am just a fool

I crazy  for love

I am so lucky this life

even  I have just can live for one day

I  met you and   enjoy  this love story

I cannot  ask any more


sorry,  I am  not  talking  about   sex

I  mean :"   love   is  more  then sex "

this is my picture   3 years  ago.

I thank his love  forever and  ever!

台長: 緋裳女
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