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2013-04-18 10:07:16| 人氣541| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Galaxy quest

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Before I went swimming this morning I watched the "Galaxy quest"on the Cinemas.

I kept laughing  because it is not a real scince fiction film, it is a comdy.

I think everyone can take a lesson in this film.Peoples  should to tell the thruth '.

but in the real world , why the poeples just keep telling  the lies , more and more,

so I think the peoples are sick(not Mature) if one day, when we don't need any lies,

I think   that the real peaceful world comes and we can also save the earth!   




p.s.  if there is any word you don't understand it, find  it in your pictionary. you will also kmow

there are other meanings of the word, it is inspired!                


台長: 緋裳女
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