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2013-04-06 20:35:05| 人氣371| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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可能因感冒之故  醒過來時    竟不知是清晨還是黃昏?

去買碗超級大碗的牛肉麵  到家時約五點 欣賞著東森洋片的浪漫愛情喜劇




Must  Love Dogs


This is a very good issues talking about love (between  man and woman)

if  you are a single woam with a lonely heart  

trying to  looking for your pricence   charming   very hard

maybe  you wight get a good amswer in this film!


Nowadays, most peoples  have a job   but  it seems  it is very diffcult

to find a good girl friend  or a good  boy friend  

nobody is perfect ,

so you must take  time to do it  , not in a hurry  and to make the wrong disscuion. 

It will hurt  both of you !  


I fell down on the floor last night

I still feel dissy now !

I also fall in love  with my boy friend  and dissy  all day long  !1!       

I  just cannot  help myself and fell  in love with him 

the picture was tooken   when I was think of him: 



台長: 緋裳女
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