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2001-04-29 21:53:44


Condition: 走馬看花的懶人 Temperature: 不定 Background infromation: 由London 出發, 經過不少大城, 剛好也把這些首都, 順道晃了一下~ Procedure: London-- Edinburgh-- Belfast-- Dublin-- Cardiff-- ...

2001-04-21 19:14:50


Condition: 款細軟的懶人 Temperature: 25 C Background infromation: 一個星期, 四個人, 一台車, 沒route planning, 就是想出去玩, 於是.... Procedure: 1. 換洗用具, 這很重要, 一個星期不換會粉"胎哥" 2...

2001-04-06 10:19:55

The weakest link ......?

Condition: 路中的懶人 Temperature: 25 C Background information: The weakest link in the molecule found in the turning point. Discussion: 1. in this point, de-naturation may occur 2. in...

2001-04-02 09:58:13

時也... 運也....

Condition: 沒什麼偏財運的懶人 Temperature: 25 C Procedure: 1. 打開電視, 盯著彩球一顆接一顆的滾出來, 緊捏手中的那張紙, 希望能在下一秒, 價值 £11,758,561. Discussion: 1. Lottery 在這國家非常...

2001-03-29 06:33:31

5th Try

Condition: 又下雨ㄌ Temperature: 25 C Aim: basically repeat 4th try, stop at appropriate time. Discussion: 1. get all the bands in 1.1% this time, predict to see good seperation in bigger DNA p...

2001-03-28 07:42:47

4th Try

Condition: 白天變長了 Temperature: 25 C Aim: try 3 different concentrations of agarose gel. 1.1% 1.8% 2.5%, consider with xylene cyanol loading buffer Discussion: 1. 1.1 %, ran over, only 1000 b...

2001-03-26 06:29:42


Condition: 在車站等車~ Temperature: 25 C Aim: Waterloo = 滑鐵盧, 為什麼會有名 ne..? Hypothesis: 因為拿破崙戰敗於此 ? 因為魂斷籃橋在此拍攝 ? Procedure: 1. 走來走去 找答案.... Discussion: 1....

2001-03-25 10:34:52

3rd Run (I ) 修正

Condition: 做惡夢的懶人 Temperature: 30 C Aim: try high voltage 10v/cm, and high conc. of metaphor agarose gel 2.5 % Discussion: 1. difficult to dissolve metahphor agarose gel when too conce...

2001-03-25 10:21:15

Summer time ...

Condition: 迎接summer time Temperature: 25 C Procedure: 1. forward ur clock 1 hour Discussion: 1. 來了這麼久, 突然發現, 在這裡的生活只有兩種情況. 平時是半饑餓狀況, 剩下的時間是半昏迷狀況 ...

2001-03-23 04:53:28

3rd Run (I I )

Condition: 我很乖ㄛ... Temperature: 30 C Aim : try to stain in low concentration of ethidium bromide. Procedure: one gel stain with 5 microgram/mililitter,the other stain with 1, both for 15 min...

2001-03-21 03:30:08

2nd Run (I I )

Condition: 還在掙扎 Temperature: 37 C Aim: will time difference effect the resolution..? Procedure: one with bromophenol blue, and the other Xylene cyanol. Discussion: 1. longer time, gel ran...

2001-03-21 03:00:30

2nd Run (I )

Condition: 餓的半死的懶人 Temperature: 37 C Aim: try (x2) power supply. will have better resolution..or not .?! Discussion: 1. tried 10V/cm, gel ran faster, more steam,cause the higher voltage w...

2001-03-20 09:26:59


Condition: 困惑的懶人 Temperature: room temp 25 C Background information: 有個theory as follow, if people can travel "the square of light speed", then he will able to see the back of his own hea...

2001-03-20 08:37:54

1st Run

Condition: 呼~~信心大增,(既然有人看,那就更努力寫啦) Temperature: room temp 25C Equipmet : basic equipment for electropherosis. Chemicals: ethidium bromide, 1xTBE buffer. marker, PCR sample, metapho...

2001-03-18 03:00:38

Try Try Try

Condition: 想學做網頁的懶人 Temperature: room temp 25C Pcocedure: 1. 去各大教學網站 2. 努力學習語法 3. 學不起來, 就用copy and paste Discussion: 1. 背景, 和主題都須要搭配才行 2. 簡而易懂的網頁...

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