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2001-03-28 07:42:47| 人氣1,246| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

4th Try

推薦 0 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

Condition: 白天變長了
Temperature: 25 C
Aim: try 3 different concentrations of agarose gel. 1.1% 1.8% 2.5%, consider with xylene cyanol loading buffer

1. 1.1 %, ran over, only 1000 bp band showed on the gel.try again with other loading buffer.
2. 1.8 %, good seperation between 400bp~600bp. similar result as 2nd try (II)
3. 2.5 %, the bigger pieces of DNA didn't run very far, but the small pieces, not very good gel this time, need to try again.

DNA run slower as increase concentration of agarose gel.

台長: 爛藍懶人
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