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2008-09-26 15:38:18| 人氣202| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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ÿ 本週的教學主題small talk,練習的是那種和人寒暄聊天建立友誼的話題。拜最近毒牛奶話題之賜,可以不繞著天氣、工作之類的內容沒話找話說。其實,我還真有點佩服編定教材講義的人,怎會有人厲害到把哈拉主題情境整理歸納為weather、current events、office、social event、out for a walk、waiting somewhere幾個重點,然後還能列出12個製造話題的技巧。所以啊,我學英文不單是學英文,學的還是與人為善的重要技巧。

ÿ 偏就,我那不受教的本性很難扭轉,怎樣都覺得聊天是件艱難任務。分組練習時,我自告奮勇說可以一人分飾兩角,自己決定劇本還真的是比配合別人演出簡單多了。

ÿ 本週作業是把課堂的演出內容寫出來,基於我「寫」比「說」好的能耐,趁著昨天休假,早上就愉悅地加油添醋的把作業寫完。然後,趕赴台北車站和Sandra來場午餐約會。和Sandra在餐廳從12點待到5點被客氣的驅逐離場,才發現…其實我也很能聊天啊,只是對象很重要。所以,如果我和Sandra同組上課,我應該就又會有另番表現了。ÿ ^_^

After a typhoon break, you are back to work. You are a bit early to the office and there are a couple of colleagues there having breakfast. To be friendly, what can you say to them.

(Occasion & Background: Sandy and Judy are closed colleagues. This morning, Sandy went to office without her breakfast due to she was hurry for leaving to work. She arrived at office in time and saw Sandy was eating her breakfast. )

Judy: Good morning, Sandy. (Judy walked to the desk of Sandy.) Tell me, what’s news about your typhoon vocation? Did your house get any damaged? It was a terrible storm during last afternoon and I was so scared in worry about my house’s windows will be broken.

Sandy: Well, it was only big rain and no wind in our area. All my families were staying at home in watching several videos. We had enjoyed a wonderful day in great meal of snacks, fruits and beverages.

Judy: It sounds good. By the way, what are you eating now? It looks very delicious.

Sandy: Oh, it’s my home-made low calorific sandwiches. Actually, I ate too much yesterday so I need to loose weight from today.

Judy: Come on. You always say you are on diet, but you keep eating and eating everyday. Ok….let me give you a favor, won’t you?

Sandy: Really? How will you do? (Sandy sounded in surprised.)

Judy: It shall be stared from your breakfast. I can help you to eat all your sandwiches. Also, I can have your lunch box on lunch time if you had take it. (Judy pretended in serious.)

Sandy: Are you kidding? I’m still hungry now and please leave me alone. Go for your work and finish you urgent document quickly. Maybe, I will bring you an extra sandwich tomorrow.

Judy: You promise? (Judy is smiling in happiness.)

Sandy: OK. Just leave me alone now, please. (Silence for one second~) Nmmm…..We can have lunch together at students’ buffet on my treat.

Judy: It’s so wonderful. You are come up to my best friend. Ha… I shall star my work right now. (Judy walks back to her desk. )

The common office day stared in busy as usually. Judy and Sandy expected the lunch time come early.

台長: Emma
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