ÿ 第一週的英語課程內容是自我介紹。和不熟的人哈拉著無聊的天氣,對我已經算是有點勉強的尷尬了,還要對半生不熟的校內同事說起自己,這真是一項折騰性的考驗。
ÿ ÿ怪只能怪我的外顯和內在差異太大,大部分人很難瞭解這種矛盾的衝突。還好的是,隨著年歲的增長,我已漸漸在天平兩端慢慢走向平衡點。步伐,雖然緩慢,但是只要能保持ing的狀態,我總有一天會找到自在的平衡。
ÿ ÿ 二堂課之後繳交的作業,我還是不知道該寫什麼………唉!我的進步空間還真的是無限寬廣呢! ^_^ ÿ
Someone who is named Emma
Emma is too sensitive to close with people. The first impression from others to her may be that she is aggressive, sociable and outgoing. She does, indeed. But it’s just 3 minutes passion for her connection to the real world. After that, she will feel tried of topical subjects of normal conversation that the most groups used to talk. Besides, she is shy to talk about herself between regular friends. She likes simple rules but human’s minds and rules are too difficulty to her. For this reason, she preferred to stay with children but not adults.
Emma plays many characters within her life. Now, she enjoys the title of mother very much. To be a mother that let her recapture those days of childhood. She loves her daughter very much and spends time to keep with her in daily lives. Sometimes, she complained that she is employed by her family without payment and work at school’s office for earning. In spite of that, she fulfill her duties at works very well and she is a reliable colleague.
Emma likes reading, writing, panting and doing nothing. Her soul is expect to be maturity but her actions carry out slowly. She needs some change for pushing her get more motive power. Keeping the habit to learn English will be a step for her improvement. She will be trying her best on this learning journey.