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2006-11-06 00:11:14| 人氣430| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

攝影:Downtown Seattle and Space Needle

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Photo by: Chia-Chien Hsieh, 2003.

西雅圖迷人景色的照片我之前有貼上來過,今天再貼三張上來。兩張是西雅圖市中心的夜景,一張則是夕陽時,其地標之一Space Needle的近照。


夜景那兩張確實很美,我自己也還算滿意,且那兩張需要較多的技巧,可是實在太多人在那拍攝位置取夜景了,特別是西雅圖的名信片。相較之下,夕陽時Space Needle那張雖是好拍多了,只是多加了一層濾鏡,以防陽光直射而曝光過度。可是搞不好沒人在這位子拍過,因為我是在一半荒廢的倉庫區,用伸縮鏡頭拍的。再加上夕陽時所構成的背光美景不是每天遇的到,所以我反而比較喜歡這一張。


(附註:Space Needle建於1970年代。底下是禮品店,中間是電梯,最上頭是觀景區兼旋轉餐廳。)

台長: Johnny
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Here is my opinion on what you say, if it was me I would take the money. Why I say that well because in today’s society is very competitive, every one is fighting for survial. so if you can gain some money, that will be the best thing. The dream you can always accomplish it later on in life, but without any kind of back up. That dream is hard to live through, making a name in the art field is not that easy. That is the reality all the artist have to face, of course having a job you like and get pay; nothing can get better than that. But from time to time that can be un-real, so thats why many out there don’t like their job and still have to go through it. All because of living, all because of survial. Sometimes we have to take a different path to achieve what we want or our dreams, if the stright path doesn’t work. If you truly have the passion about becoming a designer, I am sure it will find itself at the right time. But if you decided to take the stright path, than more power to you. That means you have to be really ready for whatever that is going happen in that path, 加油! I am sure you will make the right choice...
2006-11-06 13:39:55
I agree to what you said totally. I have worked in society as a sales representative and as a furniture production lines manager. I think without money, any dream will not come true.
2006-11-06 16:52:26
I like those 2 night pictures, especially the middle one...the last one is not bad too

Seattle is not a bad place, I been there...but just rain too much and seem like always cloudy^^
2006-11-06 13:42:05
I guess that you came here in Fall or Winter, right? Fall and Wiinter are the seasons for raining in Seattle; However, you can almost always see the beautiful blue sky, and enjoy the nice sunsine during Summer.
2006-11-06 16:56:18
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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