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Fall on me_Andrea Bocelli & Matteo Bocelli




歌詞莫名的中了我的心情,這一定是天使來幫我打氣der~ (感動)



只能說別人家的父子關係都不會令我失望啊 ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭

I thought sooner or later
The lights up above
Will come down in circles and guide me to love
But I don't know what's right for me
I cannot see straight
I've been here too long and I don't want to wait for it
Fly like a cannonball, straight to my soul
Tear me to pieces
And make me feel whole
I'm willing to fight for it and carry this weight
But with every step
I keep questioning what it's true
Fall on me
With open arms
Fall on me
From where you are
Fall on me
With all your light
With all your light
With all your light
Presto una luce ti illuminerà
Seguila sempre, guidarti saprà
Tu non arrenderti, attento a non perderti
E il tuo passato avrà senso per te
Vorrei che credessi in te stesso, ma sì
In ogni passo che muoverai qui
È un viaggio infinito
Sorriderò se
Nel tempo che fugge mi porti con te
Fall on me
Fall on me
Fall on me
Finché vorrai
Finché vorrai
Finché vorrai
Finché vorrai
I close my eyes
And I'm seeing you everywhere
I step outside
It's like I'm breathing you in the air
I can feel you're there
Fall on me
Fall on me
Fall on me
With all your light
With all your light
With all your light

台長: 點水蜻蜓
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 【音樂盒】 |
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