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2010-08-08 14:09:37


好孤單 ... 也好想有人陪

2010-05-17 17:55:12

重新開始 人生重來

最近問了一個有關生baby的事情女人,總是會想要有個孩子雖然也是能領養,但還是會想著過或許自己的寶貝會更可愛未來的事!很難說~羅醫師你好 :我想請問一些愛滋女性未來想生小孩的問題!如果愛滋婦女不小心意外懷孕了...

2010-04-14 23:59:46
2010-03-22 02:47:21

Bananas could stop AIDS spread

簡單來說,就是叫大家多吃香蕉吧!反正水果多吃多健康Bananas may hold the key to a new powerful AIDS treatment.Scientists in the US have found that a lectin in bananas, called banlec, is as potent as two...

2009-12-29 11:23:37

2009/12/29 CD4/virus = 503/22873

好像還死不了, 也不用吃藥的樣子但不知道算不算身體不好

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