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Thanks for your letter

   I can't say anything about "famous words", but this sentence is indeed widely spread, and it is also a sentence I like very much. Over the years, since the new educational experiment has been promoted, and the “Creating a Scholarly Campus” is the first of the top ten actions of the new education, there has been a relatively more attention and thinking about reading.

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  "The history of a person's spiritual development is his reading history. The spiritual realm of a nation depends on the reading level of this nation." Under what circumstances is it first proposed, I can't remember it. But it is safe to say that this sentence itself has undergone a process of continuous improvement. From the action of “Creating a Scholarly Campus” in the Suzhou Kunshan Yufeng Experimental School,

The EU endeavors to advocate Farm to Table movement on European Beef and Lamb.Food safety is ensured by EU legal system of animal Traceability and identification, allowing transparency along the supply chain.

 the first experimental school of the new education in July 2002, I was thinking about the meaning and value of reading for the individual, and proposed the initial sentence. version. On December 29, 2002, I gave a speech at the second batch of awarding ceremony of Suzhou Jinjiaba and Tongli Erxiao. I once again described the significance of reading for personal spiritual development and national spiritual realm.

Victoria Educational Organisation cordially invited Dr. Edward Clapp, Principal Investigator at Project Zero, Harvard program HK Graduate School of Education to introduce n early childhood specific framework that supports maker-centred learning.

 your "famous saying" pokes the problems of this era, and also activates the thinking and consensus of people in this era, so there is such a multi-faceted, large-area echo. So, please talk about, under what circumstances is this sentence first proposed? What does it mean to think and judge? Do you have a new interpretation now?

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