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Tasting - 山岡先生訪台一支會(四)

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記得當天曾聽山岡先生提到, 1993年是Bowmore酒廠一個偉大的年份! 看到這年份的Bowmore一定要買! 這....好像有幾位酒友都有聽到,但不知道有誰聽到why? 可能要麻煩K大發個信再問一下了.


Glen Garioch 21yp 43% OB Golden Moose Engraved on Bottle

C: Deep amber, a little brown

19 N: malty,麥餿味,wet agarics, wet paper, followed by some orange peer, orange powder, then some thin wood and sherry,枸杞

18 T: light->medium, wet agarics,麥餿味, a little bitterness at the middle of tongue, then some ginger, wood cask

18 F: medium, wet agarics, plum,中藥味, finished in some not much attractive nosing and palate. Few complexes at the end

19 B: some how balanced. It’s hard to dig any appreciated aromas anyway.

Not very good sherry cask, and not my type, but not so worse! 到底是老酒味還是桶子有問題!? 哈~


Glenfarclas 1970/2000 30yo 49.3% OB B#15/261 C#2016 Single Sherry Cask Selection

C: deep amber, brown

23 N: rich, deep, beautiful sherry, fresh plum,仙楂梅, berries, red caramel, raisin, followed by some sandal wood,沉香

21 T: full, some dry fruit, more wood cask, sandal wood,沉香,烏梅, a little smoking orange peer at the middle of tongue

21 F: long,尾韻有醃漬梅, sandal wood,沉香,蜜餞,八仙果皮.餘韻則稍嫌單調,其代能有更多變化.

21 B: good balanced, especially for nosing, a little pity not active and much variant at the end

初聞香氣頗像Glen Grant 1956 46% G&M,就連入口口感竟也有幾分相似,本期望頗高,但口感跟香氣落差仍大,有點遺憾


Dlendronach 18yo 43% OB

由於當天酒款眾多,因此把雪莉桶放在最後,不過不知道為什麼,怎麼漏了這支酒的筆記? 有機會的話,再請魔王賞臉,要個sample補一下記錄了~


Bowmore 1968/2002 34yo 40.3% Duncan Tayler Peerless C#3891 162Bts.


結論: 相當舒服的一場一支會,由於大家喝的速度不快,因此討論也相當多,加上K嫂準備了相當多的點心(不知不覺還吃了不少說),回家路上竟幾乎沒什麼醉意,可見心情相當愉快~再次謝謝K大的邀約,也對於能認識山岡先生感到十分興奮.我想山岡先生受人敬重的原因,應該在於他不吝與朋友分享,就算是初識,只要是他知道的,話無不言,更別提與single malt相關的知識,或他與大家分享的酒,再再都是值得我們尊敬與學習的地方. 再敬山岡先生一杯,期待下次與他再聚!

台長: Hertford
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